Showing 1 - 14 results of 14 for search '"Anarchism"', query time: 0.06s Refine Results
  1. 1

    New perspectives on anarchism, labour and syndicalism : the individual, the national and the transnational /

    Published 2010
    Subjects: “…Anarchism Europe History 19th century.…”
    Electronic eBook
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    Alternatives to Democracy in Twentieth-Century : Collectivist Visions of Alternative Modernity / by Ramet, Sabrina P., 1949-

    Published 2019
    Table of Contents: “…Rival visions of alternative modernity: an introduction -- An evolving vision of an alternative modernity: Soviet communism -- The quest for an alternative modernity: Fascism and Nazism, part I -- The quest for an alternative modernity: Fascism and Nazism, part II -- The quest for freedom and solidarity: anarchism in Spain -- Epilogue: in defense of liberal democracy and a warning.…”
    Electronic eBook
  4. 4

    Alternatives to democracy in twentieth-century Europe : collectivist visions of modernity / by Ramet, Sabrina P., 1949-

    Published 2019
    Table of Contents: “…Rival visions of alternative modernity: an introduction -- An evolving vision of an alternative modernity: Soviet communism -- The quest for an alternative modernity: Fascism and Nazism, part I -- The quest for an alternative modernity: Fascism and Nazism, part II -- The quest for freedom and solidarity: anarchism in Spain -- Epilogue: in defense of liberal democracy--and a warning.…”
    Electronic eBook
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    The 1848 revolutions and European political thought /

    Published 2018
    Electronic eBook
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    Protest beyond borders : contentious politics in Europe since 1945 /

    Published 2011
    Table of Contents: “…From "British rights for British citizens" to "British out" : the Northern Ireland civil rights movement, 1960s-1972 / Lorenzo Bosi -- Anarchism, Franco's dictatorship and postwar Europe : high-risk mobilization and ideological change / Eduardo Romanos -- Organizational communication of intermediaries in flux : an analytical framework / Dominik Lachenmeier -- Outlook for research. …”
    Electronic eBook
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    Europe since 1914 : encyclopedia of the age of war and reconstruction /

    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Abortion -- Academies of Science -- Action Française -- Adams, Gerry -- Adenauer, Konrad -- Adorno, Theodor -- Afghanistan -- Afrika Korps -- Agitprop -- Agnelli, Giovanni -- Agrarian Parties -- Agriculture -- AIDS -- Akhmatova, Anna -- Albania -- Albert I -- Alcohol -- Alfonso XIII -- Algeria -- Algerian War -- Almodóvar, Pedro -- Al Qaeda -- Alsace-Lorraine -- Althusser, Louis -- Americanization -- Amsterdam -- Anarchism -- Anarchosyndicalism -- Andreotti, Giulio -- Andropov, Yuri -- Annales School -- Anti-Americanism -- Anticlericalism -- Anticommunism -- Antifascism -- Anti-Semitism -- Anzio, Battle of -- Apartheid -- Apollinaire, Guillaume -- Appeasement -- Aragon, Louis -- Architecture -- Arendt, Hannah -- Aristocracy -- Armenia -- Armenian Genocide -- Armies -- Arms Control -- Aron, Raymond -- Arp, Jean -- Artaud, Antonin -- Art Deco -- Asquith, Herbert Henry -- Atatürk, Mustafa Kemal -- Athens -- Atlantic Charter -- Atomic Bomb -- Atomic Energy -- Attlee, Clement -- Auden, W.H. -- Auschwitz-Birkenau -- Australia -- Austria -- Automobiles -- Avant-Garde -- Aviation -- Axis -- Aznar, José Maria -- Babi Yar -- Bacon, Francis -- Baden, Max von -- Badoglio, Pietro -- Bagration Operation -- Baker, Josephine -- Baldwin, Stanley -- Balfour Declaration -- Balkans -- Ball, Hugo -- Banking -- Barbie, Klaus -- Barbusse, Henri -- Bardot, Brigitte -- Barrès, Maurice -- Barth, Karl -- Barthes, Roland -- Bartók, Béla -- Basques -- Bataille, Georges -- Baudrillard, Jean -- Bauhaus -- Bayreuth -- BBC -- Beach, Sylvia -- Beatles -- Beauvoir, Simone de -- Beckett, Samuel -- Beckmann, Max -- Belarus -- Belgium -- Belgrade -- Ben Bella, Ahmed -- Benelux Economic Union -- Beneš, Eduard -- Benjamin, Walter -- Berg, Alban -- Beria, Lavrenty -- Berlin -- Berlin, Isaiah -- Berlinguer, Enrico -- Berlin Wall -- Berlusconi, Silvio -- Beuys, Joseph -- Bevan, Aneurin -- Beveridge, William -- Bevin, Ernest -- Bicentennial of the French Revolution -- Biermann, Wolf -- Bierut, Boleslaw -- Birth Control -- Blair, Tony -- Blitzkrieg -- Bloch, Marc -- Bloomsbury -- Blum, Léon -- Bobbio, Norberto -- Body Culture -- Bohr, Niels -- Bolshevism -- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich -- Bormann, Martin -- Bosnia-Herzegovina -- Boulez, Pierre -- Bourdieu, Pierre -- Bourgeoisie -- Brandt, Willy -- Braque, Georges -- Brasillach, Robert -- Braudel, Fernand -- Braun, Wernher von -- Brecht, Bertolt -- Brel, Jacques -- Brest-Litovsk -- Breton, André -- Bretton Woods Agreement -- Brezhnev, Leonid -- Briand, Aristide -- Britain, Battle of -- British Empire -- British Empire, End of -- British Union of Fascists -- Britten, Benjamin -- Brook, Peter -- Brusilov Offensive -- Brussels -- Buber, Martin -- Buchenwald -- Budapest -- Bukharin, Nikolai -- Bulgaria -- Bulge, Battle of the -- Buñuel, Luis -- Cabaret -- Callas, Maria -- Calvino, Italo -- Campaign against Torture -- Camus, Albert -- Canetti, Elias -- Č apek, Karel -- Capitalism -- Casement, Roger -- Cassin, René -- Catalonia -- Catholic Action -- Catholicism -- Cavell, Edith -- Celan, Paul -- Céline, Louis-Ferdinand -- Chagall, Marc -- Chamberlain, Neville -- Chanel, Coco -- Channel Islands -- Chaplin, Charlie -- Charter 77 -- Chechnya -- Chemin des Dames/Mutinies -- Chernobyl.…”
    Electronic eBook
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    Europe 1789 to 1914 : encyclopedia of the age of industry and empire /

    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Abdul-Hamid II -- Absinthe -- Action Française -- Acton, John -- Addis Ababa, Treaty of -- Adler, Alfred -- Adler, Victor -- Adrianople -- Africa -- Agassiz, Louis -- Agricultural Revolution -- Airplanes -- Albania -- Alcohol and Temperance -- Alexander I -- Alexander II -- Alexander III -- Alexandra -- Algeria -- Alliance System -- Alsace-Lorraine -- Amsterdam -- Anarchism -- Anarchosyndicalism -- Andreas-Salomé, Lou -- Anneke, Mathilde-Franziska -- Anticlericalism -- Anti-Semitism -- Aristocracy -- Armenia -- Armies -- Arnold, Matthew -- Artisans and Guilds -- Art Nouveau -- Asquith, Herbert Henry -- Associations, Voluntary -- Atget, Eugène -- Athens -- Auclert, Hubertine -- Augspurg, Anita -- Austen, Jane -- Austerlitz -- Australia -- Austria-Hungary -- Austro-Prussian War -- Automobile -- Avant-Garde -- Baden-Powell, Robert -- Bagehot, Walter -- Bakunin, Mikhail -- Balkan Wars -- Balzac, Honoré de -- Banks and Banking -- Barbizon Painters -- Barcelona -- Barrès, Maurice -- Barry, Charles -- Baudelaire, Charles -- Bäumer, Gertrud -- Beards -- Beardsley, Aubrey -- Bebel, August -- Beethoven, Ludwig van -- Belgium -- Belgrade -- Belinsky, Vissarion -- Bely, Andrei -- Bentham, Jeremy -- Berdyayev, Nikolai -- Bergson, Henri -- Berlin -- Berlin Conference -- Berlioz, Hector -- Bernadotte, Jean-Baptiste -- Bernard, Claude -- Bernhardt, Sarah -- Bernstein, Eduard -- Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von -- Bismarck, Otto von -- Black Hand -- Black Sea -- Blake, William -- Blanc, Louis -- Blanqui, Auguste -- Blok, Alexander -- Body -- Boer War -- Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia -- Bolsheviks -- Bonald, Louis de -- Bonapartism -- Borodino -- Bosnia-Herzegovina -- Bosphorus -- Boulanger Affair -- Boulangism -- Bourgeoisie -- Boxer Rebellion -- Brahms, Johannes -- Braille, Louis -- Brentano, Franz -- Brontë, Charlotte and Emily -- Brougham, Henry -- Brunel, Isambard Kingdom -- Brussels -- Brussels Declaration -- Budapest -- Bulgaria -- Bund, Jewish -- Burckhardt, Jacob -- Bureaucracy -- Burke, Edmund -- Business Firms and Economic Growth -- Butler, Josephine -- Byron, George Gordon -- Cabarets -- Cabet, Étienne -- Caillaux, Joseph -- Cajal, Santiago Ramón y -- Canada -- Canova, Antonio -- Capitalism -- Captain Swing -- Carbonari -- Carducci, Giosuè -- Caribbean -- Carlism -- Carlsbad Decrees -- Carlyle, Thomas -- Carpenter, Edward -- Castlereagh, Viscount (Robert Stewart) -- Catherine II -- Catholicism -- Catholicism, Political -- Cavour, Count (Camillo Benso) -- Center Party -- Central Asia -- Cézanne, Paul -- Chaadayev, Peter -- Chadwick, Edwin -- Chamberlain, Houston Stewart -- Chamberlain, Joseph -- Champollion, Jean-François -- Charcot, Jean-Martin -- Charles X -- Charles Albert -- Chartism -- Chateaubriand, François-René -- Chekhov, Anton -- Chemistry -- Childhood and Children -- China -- Cholera -- Chopin, Frédéric -- Cinema -- Cities and Towns -- Citizenship -- Civilization, Concept of -- Civil Society -- Class and Social Relations -- Clausewitz, Carl von -- Clemenceau, Georges -- Clothing, Dress, and Fashion -- Coal Mining -- Cobbett, William -- Cobden, Richard -- Cobden-Chevalier Treaty -- Cockerill, John -- Coffee, Tea, Chocolate -- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor -- Colonialism.…”
    Electronic eBook