Showing 1 - 6 results of 6 for search '"Gdańsk"', query time: 0.04s Refine Results
  1. 1

    The rehabilitation and ethnic vetting of the Polish population in the Voivodship of Gdańsk after World War II / by Kajkowska-Bykowska, Sylwia

    Published 2019
    Table of Contents: “…Ethnic policy in the Reichsgau Danzig-Westpreussen 1939-1944 -- The political, legal and social dimension of ethnic rehabilitation and vetting -- The first stage of ethnic rehabilitation and vetting in Gdańsk Voivodship -- Rehabilitation and vetting under the new legal regulations.…”
    Electronic eBook
  2. 2

    Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Workers around the World /

    Published 2017
    Table of Contents:
    Electronic eBook
  3. 3

    Re-mapping Polish-German historical memory : physical, political, and literary spaces since World War II /

    Published 2011
    Table of Contents: “…Physical Space -- A Cemetery of Ruins : The Ghetto Space and the Abject Past in Warsaw's Postwar Reconstruction / Michael Meng -- The Unrealized 1947-48 Design for a Memorial at the Former Death Camp at Treblinka : An Iconographic History / Zofia Wóycicka -- Heimweh in the Heimat : Homesick Travelers in the Lost German East, 1955-70 / Andrew Demshuk -- Political Space -- Curtailing Memory : Simplification and Politicization of Memories of Expulsion and the Eastern Territories in Divided Germany / Christian Lotz -- The Musealization of "Flight," "Expulsion," and "Integration" in the Federal Republic of Germany : Institutional Trends, Conceptual Approaches, Controversial Receptions / Tim Völkering -- Reconciliation Remembered : Early Activists and Polish-German Relations / Annika Frieberg -- Literary Space -- Uncanny Gdańsk/Danzig : Memory, Forgetting, and Reconciliation in the Works of Günter Grass and Stefan Chwin / Joanna Kedzierska Stimmel -- On Slavs an.…”
    Electronic eBook
  4. 4

    Cold War spy stories from Eastern Europe /

    Published 2019
    Table of Contents: “…Miller -- Fleeing to the West : the 1978 airplane hijacking from Gdansk to West Berlin / Axel hildebrandt -- Espionage and the Cold War in DEFA films : double agents in For Eyes Only (1963) and Chiffriert an Chef Ausfall Nr. 5 (1979) / Carol Anne Costabile-Heming -- Breaking borders : Niklaus Schilling's critical spy drama The Willi Busch Report / Lisa Haegele -- Political ambiguity in recent Cold War spy stories on screen / Cheryl Dueck.…”
    Electronic eBook
  5. 5

    Duplicator underground : the independent publishing industry in Communist Poland, 1976-89 /

    Published 2016
    Table of Contents: “…Scholarly essays -- The 'second circulation' : the underground publication market in Poland, 1976-89 / Andrzej Friszke -- 'Printers of the mind' : the culture of Polish resistance, 1976-89 / Paweł Sowiński -- A Catholic voice : Inicjatywa Wydawnicza Spotkania of Lublin, 1977-88 / Małgorzata Choma-Jusińska -- Wydawnictwo Młoda Polska (WMP) of Gdańsk / Konrad Knoch and Mirosław Rybicki -- The 'second circulation' in Wrocław : the major publishers / Kamil Dworaczek -- In the shadow of the luminous mountain : underground publishing in Czȩstachowa / Jarosław Kapsa -- The centrum and the peripheries : local editions of popular Warsaw underground journals / Jan Olaszek -- 'The third wave' : Polish independent youth publications in the second half of the 1980s / Siobhan Doucette -- Printing Kissel : printing technologies for uncensored publications / Szczepan Rudka -- Łakomiec (the Glutton) and LEGO : underground production of printing equipment in Poland / Jan Strȩkowski -- Social and legal aspects of underground publishing in the People's Republic of Poland (1976-89) / Jerzy Kolarzowski and Gwido Zlatkes -- To limit, to eradicate, or to control : the SB and the 'second circulation, ' 1981-89/90 / Grzegorz Wołk -- A social movement and an underground market : independent publishing and its logics of action in Communist Poland, 1976-89 / Mateusz Fałkowski -- The 'second circulation' of the 1970s and 1980s as a component of a social movement : applying social movement theory to the analysis of the Polish opposition / Adam Mielczarek -- II. …”
    Electronic eBook
  6. 6

    Europe since 1914 : encyclopedia of the age of war and reconstruction /

    Published 2006
    Table of Contents: “…Gadamer, Hans-Georg -- Gaelic Revivals (Ireland and Scotland) -- Gagarin, Yuri -- Gandhi, Mahatma -- García Lorca, Federico -- Garzón, Baltasar -- Gauck Commission -- Gaulle, Charles de -- Gdańsk/Danzig -- G-8 Summit -- Gender -- General Strike (Britain) -- Geneva -- Genocide -- George II -- George, Stefan -- German Colonial Empire -- Germany -- Gestalt Psychology -- Gestapo -- Ghetto -- Gide, André -- Gierek, Edward -- Giolitti, Giovanni -- Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry -- Glemp, Józef -- Globalization -- Godard, Jean-Luc -- Goebbels, Josef -- Goering, Hermann -- Gombrich, Ernst Hans -- Gomułka, Władysław -- González, Felipe -- Gorbachev, Mikhail -- Gorky, Maxim -- Gottwald, Klement -- Gramsci, Antonio -- Grass, Gunter -- Graves, Robert -- Greece -- Greenpeace -- Greens -- Gropius, Walter -- Grossman, Vasily -- Grosz, George -- Guernica -- Guerrilla Warfare -- Gulag -- Gulf Wars -- Haber, Fritz -- Habermas, Jürgen -- Hague Convention -- Haider, Jörg -- Haig, Douglas -- Halbwachs, Maurice -- Hamilton, Richard -- Harris, Arthur -- Havel, Václav -- Heath, Edward -- Heidegger, Martin -- Helsinki Accords -- Hess, Rudolf -- Hesse, Hermann -- Heydrich, Reinhard -- Himmler, Heinrich -- Hindenburg, Paul von -- Hitchcock, Alfred -- Hitler, Adolf -- Hlinka, Andrej -- Höch, Hannah -- Holocaust -- Homosexuality -- Honecker, Erich -- Hooliganism -- Horthy, Miklós -- Housing -- Hoxha, Enver -- Human Rights -- Hungary -- Huxley, Aldous -- Ibárruri, Dolores (La Pasionaria) -- Iceland -- Iliescu, Ion -- Immigration and Internal Migration -- Imperial Troops -- India -- Indochina -- Industrial Capitalism -- Inflation -- Influenza Pandemic -- Intelligence -- Intelligentsia -- International Brigades -- International Criminal Court -- International Labour Organization -- International Law -- IRA -- Ireland -- Irigaray, Luce -- Iron Curtain -- Islam -- Islamic Terrorism -- Israel -- Istanbul -- Italian Concordat of 1929 -- Italy -- Izetbegović, Alija -- Jakobson, Roman -- Japan and the Two World Wars -- Jaruzelski, Wojciech -- Jaspers, Karl -- Jazz -- Jedwabne -- Jews -- John XXIII -- John Paul II -- Joyce, James -- Joyce, William (Lord Haw-Haw) -- Juan Carlos I -- July 20th Plot -- Jung, Carl -- Jünger, Ernst -- Kádár, János -- Kadare, Ismail -- Kadets (Constitutional Democratic Party) -- Kafka, Franz -- Kandinsky, Wassily -- Kapp Putsch -- Karadžić, Radovan -- Károlyi, Mihály -- Katyń Forest Massacre -- Kellogg-Briand Pact -- elly, Petra -- Kerensky, Alexander -- Keynes, J.M. -- Kharkov, Battles of -- Khrushchev, Nikita -- Kiefer, Anselm -- Kiev -- Kirov, Sergei -- Kis, János -- Kitchener, Horatio Herbert -- Klages, Ludwig -- Klarsfeld, Serge -- Klee, Paul -- Klemperer, Victor -- Koestler, Arthur -- Kohl, Helmut -- Kojève, Alexander -- Kołakowski, Leszek -- Kondratiev, Nikolai -- orean War -- Kosovo -- Kracauer, Siegfried -- Kristallnacht -- Kristeva, Julia -- Krupp -- Kun, Béla -- Kundera, Milan -- Kursk, Battle of -- Labor Movements -- Lacan, Jacques -- Land Reform -- Lang, Fritz -- Lateran Pacts -- Latvia -- Laval, Pierre -- Lawrence, D.H. -- Lawrence, T.E. -- League of Nations -- Le Corbusier -- Léger, Fernand -- Leipzig Trials -- Leisure -- Lemkin, Raphael -- Lenin, Vladimir -- Leopold III -- Le Pen, Jean-Marie -- Levi, Primo -- Lévinas, Emmanuel -- Lévi-Strauss, Claude -- Lewis, Wyndham -- Liberalism -- Liebknecht, Karl -- Lissitzky, El -- Lithuania -- Lloyd George, David -- Locarno, Treaty of -- London -- Lorenz, Konrad -- Ludendorff, Erich -- Lukács, György -- Lumumba, Patrice -- Luxembourg -- Luxemburg, Rosa -- Lyotard, Jean-François -- Lysenko Affair -- Maastricht, Treaty of -- MacDonald, Ramsay -- Macedonia -- Macmillan, Harold -- Mad Cow Disease -- Mafia -- Maginot Line -- Malaparte, Curzio -- Malevich, Kazimir -- Malraux, André -- Malta -- Man, Henri de -- Mandelstam, Osip -- Mann, Thomas -- Mannheim, Karl -- Marcuse, Herbert -- Marinetti, F.T. -- Marshall Plan -- Masaryk, Tomáš Garrigue -- Matisse, Henri -- Maurras, Charles -- Mayakovsky, Vladimir -- May 1968 -- Mendès-France, Pierre -- Mengele, Josef -- Mensheviks -- Mental Illness and Asylums -- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice -- Messiaen, Olivier -- Metaxas, Ioannis -- Michnik, Adam -- Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig -- Mihailović, Dragoljub́, -- Miloševic, Slobodan -- Miłosz, Czesław -- Mindszenty, József -- Minority Rights -- Miró, Joan -- Mitterrand, François -- Mladić, Ratko -- Mnouchkine, Ariane -- Modernism Moholy-Nagy, László -- Molotov-Von Ribbentrop PactMondrian, Piet -- Monnet, Jean -- Montenegro -- Moro, Aldo -- Morocco -- Moscow -- Moulin, Jean -- Müller, Heiner -- Munich Agreement -- Murnau, Friedrich Wilhelm -- Musil, Robert -- Mussolini, Benito -- Myrdal, Gunnar.…”
    Electronic eBook