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    A booke containing all such proclamations as were published during the raigne of the late Queene Elizabeth /

    Published 1618
    “…Printed by Bonham Norton and Iohn Bill, Deputie Printers for the Kings most Excellent Maiestie,…”
    Electronic eBook
  4. 4

    By the Queene. Whereas the Queenes Maiestie our most gratious soueraigne Ladie, by reason of the plague and pestilence, aswell in the citie of London, as in the citie of Westminste...

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill],…”
    Electronic eBook
  5. 5

    By the Queene. Whereas the Queenes Maiestie our most gratious soueraigne Lady, by reason of the plague and pestilence, aswell in the citie of London, as in the citie of Westminster...

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill],…”
    Electronic eBook
  6. 6

    By the Queene. Where it is ordeined and prouided by a statute made [and] established in the Parliament holden at Westminster the viii. day of Iune. in the xxviii. yeere of the reig...

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill],…”
    Electronic eBook
  7. 7

    By the Queene. Where in the Parliament holden at Westminster in the xxiiii. yere of the reigne of the late king, of most famous memory King Henry the eight, father to our most grac...

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill],…”
    Electronic eBook
  8. 8

    By the Queene. The Queenes most excellent Maiestie being credibly enformed that many vagabonds, rogues, idle persons, and masterlesse men hauing nothing to liue on, doe dayly resor...

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill],…”
    Electronic eBook
  9. 9

    By the Queene. Whereas by the auncient treaties of entrecourses, which from time to time haue bene renewed betweene the Queenes Maiestie our most gracious soueraigne lady, and diue...

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill],…”
    Electronic eBook
  10. 10

    By the Queene. Wheras her Maiestie is giuen to vnderstand, that although shee hath payd and disbursed all maner of chardges and expenses apperteyning to her Maiesties houshold ...

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill],…”
    Electronic eBook
  11. 11

    By the Queene. A proclamation for the prices of wine

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie [i.e.B. Norton and J. Bill,…”
    Electronic eBook
  12. 12

    By the Queene. A proclamation for the prices of vvines

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton and J.Bill,…”
    Electronic eBook
  13. 13

    By the Queene. A proclamation for the prices of wines

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill,…”
    Electronic eBook
  14. 14

    By the Queene. A proclamation for the prices of vvines

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill,…”
    Electronic eBook
  15. 15

    By the Queene. A proclamation for adjournement of part of Michaelmas tearme. Forasmuch as the Queenes Maiestie our soueraigne ladie, is credibly enformed, that the infection of the...

    Published 1618
    “…By Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie[i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill],…”
    Electronic eBook
  16. 16

    By the Queene : the Queenes Maiestie considering the euyll disposition of sundry her subiectes to obserue the auncient orders for abstinence from eating of fleshe, aswell in the ty...

    Published 1618
    “…Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyard by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill ,…”
    Electronic eBook
  17. 17

    By the Queene, a proclamation against the deceiptfull winding and folding of wools

    Published 1618
    “…Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richarde Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ... ,…”
    Electronic eBook
  18. 18

    By the Quene : the Quenes Maiestie strayghtly co[m]maundeth all maner her admirals, vice admirals, captaynes, and maisters of her shippes ... to permit & suffer al maner of subiect...

    Published 1618
    “…Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyard by Richarde Jugge and John Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ...,…”
    Electronic eBook
  19. 19

    By the Queene, a proclamation for maintenaunce of tillage

    Published 1618
    “…Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ... ,…”
    Electronic eBook
  20. 20

    By the Queene, a proclamation for bringing into the realme of vnlawfull and seditious bookes

    Published 1618
    “…Imprinted at London in Powles Churchyarde by Richard Iugge and Iohn Cawood [i.e. B. Norton and J. Bill] ... ,…”
    Electronic eBook