Table of Contents:
  • Nuclear targeting and Japan, 1945
  • Per ardua ad atomica : Ur-nuclear targeting, 1946-49
  • Imminence of war I : targeting the Soviet Union, 1950-53
  • Imminence of war II : targeting Europe and the Far East, 1950-53
  • Four Horsemen I : targeting the Soviet Union, 1954-56
  • Four Horsemen II : targeting Europe and the Far East, 1954-56
  • Increasing the deterrent margin : SAC and the Soviet Union, 1956-58
  • Prosteishiy Sputnik : mid-course corrections, 1957-59
  • Coming together : the Basic War Plan, 1958-60
  • Megadeath musings : alternative undertaking and deterrence, 1958-60
  • The acme of skill : the Basic War Plan, the General Emergency Operations Plan, and the Far East, 1957-60
  • Conclusion
  • AppendixA: SAC Emergency War Plan EWP1-49 and EWP1-51 Targets
  • Appendix B: Soviet cities and population, 1960 estimates.