Table of Contents:
  • Public Law 87-242, 87 Congress, Session 1, An act: to amend section 4(a) of the Act of April l, 1942, so as to confer jurisdiction on the municipal court for the District of Columbia over certain counterclaims and crossclaims in any action in which such court has initial jurisdiction
  • Public Law 87-245, 87 Congress, Session 1, An act: to amend section 35 of chapter III of the Life Insurance Act for the District of Columbia
  • Public Law 87-246, 87 Congress, Session 1, An act: to amend the code of law for the District of Columbia so as to provide a new basis for determining certain marital property rights, and for other purposes
  • Public Law 87-249, 87 Congress, Session 1, An act: to amend the Life Insurance Act of the District of Columbia
  • Public Law 87-267, 87 Congress, Session 1, An act: to repeal Sections 1176 and 1177 of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the District of Columbia
  • Public Law 87-318, 87 Congress, Session 1, An act: to prohibit the examination in District of Columbia courts of any minister of religion in connection with any communication made to him in his professional capacity, without the consent of the party to such communication
  • Public Law 87-355, 87 Congress, Session 1, An act: authorizing the National Capital Transportation Agency to carry out part 1 of its transit development program and to further the objectives of the Act approved July 14, 1960 (74 Stat. 537)
  • Public Law 87-389, 87 Congress, Session 1, An act: to amend the Act of August 12, 1955, relating to elections in the District of Columbia.