Table of Contents:
  • Opportunities and challenges for the well-being of children in the development of Latin America: an overview / Ernest J. Bartell
  • The nutritional status of children in Latin America / Alejandro O'Donnell
  • Child undernutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean: trends, reasons, and lessons / Aaron Lechtig
  • Micronutrient malnutrition: overview of the deficiencies in the region of the Americas / Wilma B. Freire
  • Effect of iron deficiency anemia on cognitive skills and neuromaturation in infancy and childhood / Tómas K. Walter
  • Community intervention programs in Latin America / Nelly Zavaleta
  • Environmental sanitation and child health: the missing link in child survival / Dennis B. Warner
  • Environmental sanitation and its relation to child health / Steven A. Esrey
  • Homicide mortality in adolescents and young people: a challenge for the region of the Americas / João Yunes and Tamara Zubarew
  • The epidemic of youth violence in the Americas: a public health approach / Rodrigo Guerrero
  • Child work and education in Latin America / María Cristina Salazar
  • Adolescents and the penal system: proposals based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child / Miguel Cillero Bruñol
  • State response to children and adolescents in trouble with the law / Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni
  • From minors to citizens: social policies for children within the context of the integral protection doctrine / Emilio García Méndez
  • Comments on "From minors to citizens" / Juan E. Méndez
  • The child as subject of rights and as participant in the democratic process / Alessandro Baratta
  • Children, rights, and democracy: a commentary on Alessandro Baratta / Guillermo O'Donnell
  • Child survival and development: challenge for the new millennium / Michael B. Heisler and Corey Anderson
  • Facing the new millennium: children and rights in Latin America and the Caribbean / Alberto Minujin and Raquel Perczek
  • The rights of the child: the path toward a model of social inclusion / Marta Maurás Pérez.