Table of Contents:
  • Thomas Jefferson's religion and religious liberty
  • Virginia's establishment and the revolutionary battle for religious liberty
  • The Virginia statute for establishing religious freedom
  • The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution : a Jeffersonian compromise
  • From the First Amendment to Reynolds : Jefferson ascendant
  • Federal control : Jefferson's vision in our times
  • Jefferson's enduring legacy
  • Documentary appendix: Virginia Statute for Establishing Religious Freedom (original and edited versions)
  • Memorial & remonstrance against religious assessments
  • First Amendment to the United States Constitution
  • Memorial from the General Convention of Virginia Presbyterians, August 13, 1785 (Bethel)
  • "Spirit of the Gospel" Resolution of the Virginia Baptist General Convention, August 13, 1785
  • Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists, January 1, 1802, and letters to Levi Lincoln and from Gideon Granger regarding the letter to the Danbury Baptists.