Table of Contents:
  • It's all I have to bring / Ernst Bacon ; text, Emily Dickinson
  • The crucifixion : from Hermit songs : op. 29, no. 5 / Samuel Barber ; text from The speckled book, 12th century, translated by Howard Mumford Jones
  • The daisies : op. 2, no. 1 / Samuel Barber ; text, James Stephens
  • Hey nonny no! : from Three songs : the words from Old England / Samuel Barber ; text, anonymous (16th century)
  • The monk and his cat : from Hermit songs : op. 29, no. 8 / Samuel Barber ; text, 8th or 9th century, translated by W.H. Auden
  • A slumber song of the Madonna / Samuel Barber ; text, Alfred Noyes
  • Mother, I cannot mind my wheel / Samuel Barber ; text, Walter Savage Landor
  • Sure on this shining night : op. 13, no. 3 / Samuel Barber ; text, James Agee
  • Heavenly Grass ; Cabin ; Sugar in the cane / Paul Bowles ; text, Tennessee Williams
  • The lamb / Theodore Chanler ; text, William Blake
  • When I have sung my songs / words and music by Ernest Charles
  • Loveliest of trees / John Duke ; text, A.E. Housman
  • Do not go, my love / music by Richard Hageman ; words by Sir Rabindranath Tagore
  • Where the music comes from / words and music by Lee Hoiby
  • Serenity / Charles Ives ; text, John Greenleaf Whittier
  • In the mornin' / Negro spiritual (before 1850) communicated to Ives in 1929 by Mary Evelyn Stiles ; accompaniment by Charles Ives
  • The pasture / Charles Naginski ; text, Robert Frost
  • The green dog / words and music by Herbert Kingsley
  • Black is the color of my true love's hair / text collected and adapted by John Jacob Niles ; music by John Jacob Niles
  • Go 'way from my window / words and music by John Jacob Niles ; arranged by the composer
  • The lass from the Low Countree / music by John Jacob Niles ; text adapted by J.J.N.
  • American lullaby / words and music by Gladys Rich
  • This little rose / William Roy ; text, Emily Dickinson
  • Holiday song / William Schuman ; text, Genevieve Taggard ; arranged by the composer
  • Orpheus with his lute / William Schuman ; text, William Shakespeare (from Henry VIII)
  • Brother Will, Brother John / John Sacco ; text, Elizabeth Charles Welborn.