Young children with special needs : an introduction to early childhood special education /

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Gargiulo, Richard M.
Other Authors: Kilgo, Jennifer Lynn
Format: Book
Published: Albany, NY : Thomson/Delmar Learning, ©2005.
Edition:2nd ed.
Table of Contents:
  • Preface
  • pt. 1. Perspectives, policies, and practices of early childhood special education
  • 1. Foundations of early childhood special education
  • The origins of early childhood special education
  • The development of early childhood education
  • Early contributors
  • Pioneers in early childhood education
  • Leaders of the twentieth century
  • Historical perspectives on children with disabilities
  • People and ideas
  • The establishment of institutions
  • Special education in public schools
  • Compensatory education programs
  • Representative compensatory programs
  • Research activities
  • Summary
  • Check your understanding
  • References
  • 2. The context of early childhood special education
  • Definitions and terminology
  • Exceptional children
  • Disability and handicap
  • Federal definition of disability
  • Developmental delay and at-risk
  • Early intervention and early childhood special education
  • Litigation and legislation affecting children with special needs
  • Key judicial decisions
  • Key federal legislation
  • Prevalence of young children with special needs
  • The importance of early intervention
  • Representative research evidence on the effectiveness of intervention
  • An ecological perspective on young children with special needs and their families
  • Summary
  • Check your understanding
  • References
  • 3. Family-based early childhood services
  • Historical and legal perspectives
  • General early childhood education influences
  • Compensatory education influences
  • Early childhood special education influences
  • Influences from professional organizations
  • The changing American family
  • Family reactions to a child with a disability
  • Family systems theory
  • Family characteristics
  • Family interactions
  • Family functions
  • Family life cycle
  • Applications of family systems theory
  • A family-bases philosophy
  • Family-professional partnerships
  • Key components of family-professional collaboration
  • Communication
  • Cultural responsiveness
  • Conferences and meetings
  • Support and information
  • Summary
  • Check your understanding
  • References.
  • pt. 2. Identifying and assessing young children with special needs
  • 4. Initial assessment of young children with known or suspected disabilities
  • Assessment purposes, procedures, and types
  • Assessment purposes
  • General assessment considerations
  • Types of assessment in early childhood
  • Assessing interrelated developmental domains
  • Cognitive skills
  • Motor skills
  • Communication and language skills
  • Social and emotional skills
  • Self-care and adaptive skills
  • Issues associated with traditional assessment practices
  • Over-reliance on intelligence testing
  • Limited number of assessment instruments appropriate for young children
  • The nature and characteristics of young children and their families
  • Culturally biased assessments
  • Early labeling of young children
  • Recommended assessment practices and procedures for young children
  • New directions and standards for assessment in EI/ECSE
  • Diversity considerations
  • Screening young children
  • Screening procedures and instruments
  • Diagnosis of young children with disabilities
  • Determining eligibility for services
  • Eligibility criteria
  • Eligibility procedures and instruments
  • Summary
  • Check your understanding
  • References
  • 5. Assessment for program planning, progress monitoring, and evaluation
  • Assessment of program planning
  • Purpose of assessment for program planning
  • Family involvement in the assessment process
  • Ecological assessment
  • Methods and procedures for collecting information
  • Progress monitoring and program evaluation
  • Monitoring child progress and outcomes
  • Family input
  • Overall program effectiveness
  • Summary
  • Check your understanding
  • References.
  • pt. 3. Planning and organizing educational programs
  • 6. Delivering services to young children with special needs
  • Service delivery models
  • Home-based programs
  • Center-based programs
  • Combination programs
  • Inclusive settings
  • Mainstreaming
  • Least restrictive environment
  • Regular education initiative
  • Full inclusion
  • Transition
  • Child involvement
  • Family involvement
  • Professional involvement
  • Steps for planning effective transitions
  • Professional teaming and collaboration
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Interdisciplinary
  • Transdisciplinary
  • Delivering individualized services
  • Individualized family service plan
  • Individualized education program
  • Summary
  • Check your understanding
  • References
  • 7. Curriculum for young children with special needs
  • Definition of curriculum
  • Historical and legislative influences on curriculum
  • Theoretical influences on curriculum development
  • Developmental perspective
  • Developmental-cognitive perspective
  • Academic (or preacademic) perspective
  • Behavioral perspective
  • Functional perspective
  • Curriculum development
  • Curriculum content
  • Commercial curriculum guides
  • Curriculum planning and activities
  • Curriculum evaluation
  • Current influences on curriculum
  • Recommended practices in general early childhood education (ECE)
  • Recommended practices in early childhood special education (ECSE)
  • The utility of the DAP guidelines for children with disabilities
  • Blending ECE and ECSE recommended practices
  • Summary
  • Check your understanding
  • References
  • 8. Designing learning environments for young children with special needs
  • Considerations in designing the learning environment
  • Classroom dimensions
  • Providing spaces
  • Promoting engagement
  • The learning environment and stimulus-control
  • Reinforcement and responsivity
  • Methods based primarily on environmental arrangement
  • Selecting materials
  • General considerations
  • Instructional considerations
  • The nurturing preschool
  • The accessible environment
  • The safe environment
  • A healthy environment
  • Evaluating learning environments
  • Summary
  • Check your understanding
  • References
  • 9. Strategies for teaching young children with special needs
  • Strategies for including young children with special needs
  • Teacher-mediated strategies
  • Peer-mediated strategies
  • Routine-based strategies
  • Specific naturalistic (milieu) strategies
  • Adapting the home and school setting, materials, and instruction
  • Young children with sensory impairments : vision
  • Young children with sensory impairments : hearing
  • Young children with delays in motor development and health impairments
  • Young children with delays in cognitive development
  • Young children with delays in social and emotional development
  • Young children with delays in communication and language development
  • Summary
  • Check your understanding
  • References.
  • pt. 4. A Look to the future
  • 10. Contemporary issues and challenges in early childhood special education
  • Celebrating cultural diversity
  • Culture
  • Early childhood special education and cultural diversity
  • Emerging populations of young children with special needs
  • Homelessness
  • Child abuse and neglect
  • Young children with special health needs
  • Preparation of early childhood special educators
  • Summary
  • Check your understanding
  • References
  • Appendixes
  • A. Federal definitions of disabilities
  • B. Chart of typical developmental milestones
  • C. Preschool environmental rating scale
  • D. Personnel standards for early education and early intervention
  • E. Resource organizations for young children with special needs and their families
  • Glossary
  • Index.