Table of Contents:
  • 1. Cavatina (letter from T.W. Higginson to his wife, quoting Emily Dickinson)
  • 2. Arietta parlante (letter from Dickinson to T.W. Higginson, 7 June 1862)
  • 3. Aria (Fame is a fickle food)
  • 4. Moto perpetuo (Fame is the one that does not stay)
  • 5. Arietta (Fame is a bee)
  • 6. Quodlibet I
  • 7. Arioso (letter to T.W. Higginson, July 1862)
  • 8. Aria di campane (letter to T.W. Higginson, 16 August 1870)
  • 9. Recitative (letter from Higginson to his wife, describing his first visit to E.D.)
  • 10. Catch (Higginson's letter continued, quoting Dickinson)
  • 11. Chaconne (Your thoughts don't have words every day)
  • 12. Coranto (Forbidden fruit a flavor has)
  • 13. Passacaglia (Higginson's letter to his wife, continued)
  • 14. Trio (If you were coming in the fall)
  • 15. Cantilena I (letter to T.W. Higginson, early June 1878)
  • 16. Cantilena II (As imperceptibly as grief)
  • 17. Aria (Wonder-- is not precisely knowing)
  • 18. Aria (Whether they have forgotten)
  • 19. Quodlibet II
  • 20. Hymn (We never know how high we are)
  • 21. Epilogue (Nature-- the gentlest mother is).