Table of Contents:
  • Orchestral excerpts:
  • Mozart Clarinet concerto: exposition
  • Symphony no. 4, 2nd and 4th movements ; Symphony no. 6, 1st
  • 3rd movements ; Symphony no. 8, 3rd movement / Beethoven
  • Symphony no. 3, 1st and 2nd movements / Brahms
  • Scherzo from A midsummer night's dream / Mendelssohn
  • Symphony no. 2, 3rd movement / Rachmaninoff
  • Daphnis & Chloe suite II / Ravel
  • Pines of Rome, 3rd movement / Respighi
  • Capriccio Espagnole, 1st, 3rd and 4th movements / Rimksy-Korsakov
  • Symphony no. 8, 2nd movement / Schubert
  • Symphony no. 9, 2nd and 3rd movements / Shostakovich.