Table of Contents:
  • The fish that might save Seattle
  • All the forces of nature are on their side : the unraveling of the mixed world
  • The work which nature had left undone : making private property on the waterfront commons
  • The imagination and creative energy of the engineer : harnessing nature's forces to urban progress
  • Out of harmony with the wild beauty of the natural woods : artistry versue utility in Seattle's Olmsted parks
  • Above the weary cares of life : the benefits and high social price of outdoor leisure
  • Junk-yard for human junk : the unnatural ecology of urban poverty
  • Death for a tired old river : ecological restoration and environmental inequity in postwar Seattle
  • Masses of self-centered people : salmon and the limits of ecotopia in Emerald City
  • The geography of hope : toward an ethic of place and a city of justice.