Table of Contents:
  • Growing up in L.A. (lower Alabama)
  • Biscuit man
  • Race relations 402
  • The Huntingdon five
  • Under the influence
  • Freedom riders in Montgomery
  • The highs of highlander
  • My September 11th farewell
  • Briefcase and broom
  • Murder and mayhem in McComb
  • Working on the chain gang
  • Criminal anarchy in Baton Rouge
  • Organizing in Talladega
  • George Wallace and me
  • John Brown: live like him
  • "This is not a social call"
  • How gladly they stood
  • Seeing stars
  • Seed pod explosion
  • Train wreck
  • Goodbye and GROW
  • Fundi: passing it on
  • Up South.