Table of Contents:
  • English liturgical music. Communion service responses : C A/T T B bc ; Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts : C A/T T B bc ; Glory be to God on high : C A/T T B bc
  • English devotional songs. Praise the Lord, O my soul [i] (104 Psalm) : B bc ; With notes that are both loud and sweet (For the Ascension of our Blessed Saviour) : B B bc ; Brightest sun, how was thy light (Epiphany) : T T B bc ; Glory to God on high (Morning hymne) : A/T T B bc ; Hear my prayer, O Lord (Psalme 39) : T T B bc ; Praise the Lord, O my soul [ii] (Psalme 104) : C C B bc ; See, the word is incarnate, Pt 2 The Paschal Lamb, Pt 3 Glory be to the Lamb : A/T T B bc ; Sing unto the Lord : T T B bc ; Unto thee, O Lord (Psalme 25), Pt 2 Shew me thy ways, O Lord : T T B bc
  • Anthems. Awake my soul : C A/T T B bc ; Great and marvellous are thy works (Hymne) : C A/T T B bc ; He beheld the city (Luc: 19) : C A/T T B bc ; How wretched is the state you all are in : C A/T T B bc ; In the midst of life : A/T T T B bc ; Turn thee again : A A/T T B bc ; Turn thou us, O good Lord : A T T B bc ; What praise can reach thy clemency : C A/T T B bc ; A music strange (For Whitsunday) : C C A/T T B bc ; Brightest of days (For the Epiphany) : C C/A A/T T B bc ; Busy time this day (For the Blessed Innocents' Day) : C C A/T T B bc ; Hark, shepherd swains (For the Nativity of our most Blessed Saviour) : C C T T B bc ; Look up, all eyes (For the Ascension of our Blessed Saviour) : C C T T B bc ; Rise heart, thy Lord is risen (For the Resurrection of our Blessed Saviour) : C C T T B bc ; The Lord in thy adversity (Psalme 20) : C C A/T T B bc ; Whisper it easily (On the Passion of our Blessed Saviour) : C C T T B bc
  • Appendix. Almighty God, who mad'st thy blessed Son (For the Circumcision of our Blessed Saviour : [C C] A/T T B [bc] inc.