Call Number (LC) Title Results
Z151 .M64 2000 The mighty engine : the printing press and its impact / 1
Z151 .P73 1974 Wynkyn de Worde & his contemporaries from the death of Caxton to 1535; a chapter in English printing, 1
Z151 .T93 Printing 1770-1970: an illustrated history of its development and uses in England. 1
Z151.2 .H45 2010 William Caxton and early printing in England / 1
Z151.3 Surreptitious printing in England, 1550-1640 /
A confusion of printers : the role of print in the English Reformation /
Z151.3 .072 1566 Ordinaunces decreed for reformation of diuers disorders in pryntyng and vtteryng of bookes 1
Z151.3 1500 Annual pensionem, siue, portion̄ annuatim ....
[Th]ereafter, finding Salt there to furnish them ....
Sequẽtia ibi Et veniet Circa primũ dicit ....
Z151.3 .A512 2015 Typographical antiquities = or, The history of printing in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 4
Z151.3 .B4 English books & readers, 1558-1603, being a study in the history of the book trade in the reign of Elizabeth I, 1
Z151.3 .E53 1570 Ordinances decreed for reformation of diuers disorders in printing and vttering of bookes 1
Z151.3 .G55 2006eb Print culture and the medieval author : Chaucer, Lydgate, and their books 1473-1557 / 1
Z151.3 .G68 1967 A companion to Arber : being a calendar of documents in Edward Arber's "Transcript of the registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640" with text and calendar of supplementary documents / 1
Z151.3 .H55 2018eb Lost books and printing in London, 1557-1640 : an analysis of the Stationers' Company register / 1
Z151.3 .M45 2018eb Elizabethan publishing and the makings of literary culture / 1
Z151.3 .M66 1992x Primary materials relating to copy and print in English books of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / 1
Z151.3 .P6 1695 Proposals for printing the translation of a Latin manuscript, : written by Judge Craig, one of the judges of Scotland, in the reign of King James VI. before his accession to the throne of England. Entituled De hominis: or, A dispute against those who maintain, that Scotland is a fee or feu-liege of England, and that the King of Scots owes homage to the King of England upon that account. 1
Z151.3 .S74 2019 The typographic imaginary in early modern English literature / 1
Z151.4 John Baskerville : art and industry in the enlightenment /
To the Right Honourable, the House of Commons assembled in Parliament. : The humble petition and answere of Marin de Boisloree, Roger Wood and Thomas Symcock, to the stacioners petition..
Z151.4 .A38 An Advertisement of several Bibles and Common-Prayer Books lately printed at the Theatre in Oxford : a specimen of the letter on which every book is printed followeth underneath. 1
Z151.4 .B45 English books & readers 1603-1640; being a study in the history of the book trade in the reigns of James I and Charles I, 1