Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2564 .W5 1970 Witty and witless. (c. 15?) London, 1
PR2566 .B6 The life and works of John Heywood, 1
PR2566 .D4 1970 John Heywood, entertainer, 1
PR2567 .J6 John Heywood. 1
PR2567 .M398 French farce & John Heywood 1
PR2568.C56 W35 2020  
PR2570 1964 The dramatic works of Thomas Heywood, now first collected with illustrative notes and a memoir of the author. 1
PR2572 .B47 1986 Thomas Heywood's pageants : a critical edition / 1
PR2574 .F29 1637 The fayre maide of the Exchange : together with the merry humours, and pleasant passages of the cripple of Fanchurch : furnished with variety of delectable mirth. 1
PR2574 .F3 1967 The fair maid of the west, parts I and II. 1
PR2574 .I3 1613 If yon [sic] knovv not me, you know no bodie, or, The troubles of Queene Elizabeth 1
PR2574 .I7 1632 The iron age : contayning the rape of Hellen, the siege of Troy, the combate betwixt Hector and Aiax, Hector and Troilus slayne by Achilles, Achilles slaine by Paris, Aiax and Vlisses contend for the armour of Achilles, the death of Aiax, &c. / 1
PR2574 .I7 1979 Thomas Heywood's The Iron Age / 1
PR2574 .K4 1619 King Edward the Fourth. containing his merrie pastime with the the tanner of Tamworth : as also his loue to faire Mistris Shore ... : likewise the besieging of London, by the bastard Falconbridge ... : as it hath diuers times been publikely plaied by the right honorable the Earle of Derbie his seruants. 1
PR2574 .K4 2005 The first and second parts of King Edward IV / 1
PR2574 .K56 1599 The first and second partes of King Edward the Fourth. : Containing his mery pastime with the tanner of Tamwoorth, as also his loue to fayre Mistresse Shoare, her great promotion, fall and misery, and lastly the lamentable death of both her and her husband. : Likewise the besiedging [sic] of London, by the bastard Falconbridge, and the valiant defence of the same by the Lord Maior and the cittizens. ; As it hath diuers times beene publiquely played by the Right Honorable the Earle of Derby his seruants.. 1
PR2574 .K56 1605 The first and second parts of King Edward the Fourth. : Containing his merie pastime with the Tanner of Tamworth, as also his loue to faire Mistrisse Shore, her great promotion, fall and miserie, and lastly the lamentable death of both her and her husband. Likewise the besieging of London, by the Bastard Falconbridge, and the valiant defence of the same by the Lord Maior and the citizens. As it hath diuers times beene publikely played by the Right Honourable the Earle of Derbie his seruants. 1
PR2574 .L3 1979 An edition of The late Lancashire witches / 1
PR2574 .L66 1635 Londini sinus salutis; or, Londons harbour of health and happinesse. : Epressed [sic] in sundry triumphs, pageants, and showes; at the initiation of the Right Honorable Christopher Clethrowe, into the maioralty of the farre renowned city London. All the charges and expences of this present ovation; being the sole undertaking of the Richt Worshipfull Company of the Ironmongers. The 29. of October. Anno salutis. 1635. / 1
PR2574 .L878 2017 The secret theatre 1