Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFM 1144, reel 6.64 Jews in America, or Probabilities that those Indians are Judaical, made more probable by some additionals to the former conjectures An accurate discourse is premised of Mr. John Elliot, (who first preached the gospel to the natives in their own language) touching their origination, and his vindication of the planters ... 1
MFM 1144, reel 6.65 The parable of the ten virgins opened & applied being the substance of divers sermons on Matth. 25. 1,---13. Wherein, the difference between the sincere Christian and the most refined hypocrite, the nature and characters of saving and of common grace, the dangers and diseases incident to most flourishing Churches or Christians, and other spiritual truths of greatest importance, are clearly discovered, and practically improved. 1
MFM 1144, reel 7.66 The heart of New-England rent at the blasphemies of the present generation. Or A brief tractate, concerning the doctrine of the Quakers, demonstrating the destructive nature thereof, to religion, the churches, and the state; with consideration of the remedy against it. Occasional satisfaction to objections, and confirmation of the contrary truth. 1
MFM 1144, reel 7.67 A brief description of the province of Carolina on the coasts of Floreda. And more perticularly [!] of a new-plantation begun by the English at Cape-Feare, on that river now by them called Charles-River, the 29th of May. 1664. Wherein is set forth the healthfulness of the air; the fertility of the earth, and waters; and the great pleasure and profit will accrue to those that shall to thither to enjoy the same. Also, directions and advice to such as shall go thither whether on their own accompts, or to serve under another. 1
MFM 1144, reel 7.68 A brief description of New York: formerly called New Netherlands. With the places thereunto adjoyning. Together with the manner of its scituation, fertility of the soyle, healthfulness of the climate, and the commodities thence produced. Also some directions and advice to such as shall go thither: an account of what commodities they shall take with them; the profit and pleasure that may accrew to them thereby. Likewise a brief relation of the customs of the Indians there. 1
MFM 1144, reel 7.69 New-Englands rarities discovered: in birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, and plants of that country ... 1
MFM 1144, reel 7.70 The general laws and liberties of the Massachusetts Colony ... 1
MFM 1144, reel 7.71 The discoveries of John Lederer in three several marches from Virginia to the West of Carolina ... 1
MFM 1144, reel 7.73 Cain against Abel, representing New-England's church-hirarchy, in opposition to her Christian protestant dissenters. 1
MFM 1144, reel 7.74 George Fox Digg'd out of his burrovves, or, An offer of disputation on fourteen proposalls made this last summer 1672 (so call'd) unto G. Fox then present on Rode-Island in New-England 1
MFM 1144, reel 7.75 A brief history of the vvar with the Indians in New-England. From June 24, 1675. (when the first Englishman was murdered by the Indians) to August 12, 1676. when Philip, alias Metacomet, the principal author and beginner of the war, was slain. Wherein the grounds, beginning, and progress of the war, is summarily expressed. Together with a serious exhortation to the inhabitants of that land. 1
MFM 1144, reel 7.76 A narrative of the troubles with the Indians in New-England from the first planting thereof in the year 1607 to this present year 1677 ; but chiefly of the late troubles in the two last years, 1675 and 1676 ; to which is added a discourse about the warre with the Pequods in the year 1637 / 1
MFM 1144, reel 7.78 A confession of faith, owned and consented unto by the elders and messengers of the churches assembled at Boston in New-England, May 12, 1680. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.79 Carolina; or, A description of the present state of that country, and the natural excellencies thereof, viz. The healthfulness of the air, pleasantness of the place, advantage and usefulness of those rich commodities there plentifully abounding, which much encrease and flourish by the industry of the planters that daily enlarge that colony. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.80 An ephemeris of coelestial motions, aspects, eclipses, &c. For the year of the Christian æra 1682 ... Calculated for y meridian of Boston in N. England ... 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.81 The frame of the government of the province of Pennsilvania in America: together with certain laws agreed upon in England by the governour and divers free-men of the aforesaid province. To be further explained and confirmed there by the first Provincial council and General assembly that shall be held, if they see meet. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.82 A letter from William Penn, proprietary and governour of Pennsylvania in America, to the committee of the Free society of traders of that province, residing in London. Containing a general description of the said province, its soil, air, water, seasons and produce, both natural and artificial, and the good encrease thereof. Of the natives or aborigines, their language, customs and manners, diet, houses or wigwams, liberality, easie way of living, physick, burial, religion, sacrifices and cantico, festivals, government and their order in Council upon treaties for land, &c. their justice upon evil doers. Of the first planters, the Dutch, &c. and the present condition and settlement of the said province, and courts of Justice &c. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.83 Kometographia; or, A discourse concerning comets; wherein the nature of blazing stars is enquired into; with an historical account of all the comets which have appeared from the beginning of the world unto this present year, M.DC.LXXXIII, expressing the place in the heavens, where they were seen, their motion, forms, duration; and the remarkable events which have followed in the world, so far as they have been by learned men observed. As also two sermons occasioned by the late blazing stars. 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.84 Doctrine of divine providence opened and applied also sundry sermons on several other subjects / 1
MFM 1144, reel 8.85 Good order established in Pennsilvania & New-Jersey in America, being a true account of the country; with its produce and commodities there made. And the great improvements that may be made by means of publick store-houses for hemp, flax and linnen-cloth; also, the advantages of a publick-school, the profits of a publick-bank, and the probability of its arising, if those directions here laid down are followed. With the advantages of publick granaries. Likewise, several other things needful to be understood by those that are or do intend to be concerned in planting in the said countries. All which is laid down very plain, in this small treatise; it being easie to be understood by any ordinary capacity. To which the reader is referred for his further satisfaction. 1