Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFM 1144, reel 53.4 The mystery hid from ages and generations, made manifest by the Gospel revelation, or, The salvation of all men, the grand thing aimed at in the scheme of God, as opened in the New-Testament writings, and entrusted with Jesus Christ to bring into effect ... 1
MFM 1144, reel 53.5 The keyes of the kingdom of heaven, and power thereof, according to the word of God. 1
MFM 1144, reel 53.6 An examination of President Edwards's Inquiry on the freedom of the will. 1
MFM 1144, reel 54.1 Theology explained and defended, in a series of sermons ... with a memoir of the life of the author. 1
MFM 1144, reel 54.2 Discourses on various important subjects, nearly concerning the great affair of the soul's eternal salvation, viz. I. Justification by faith alone. II. Pressing into the kingdom of God. III. Ruth's resolution. IV. The justice of God in the damnation of sinners. V. The excellency of Jesus Christ. Delivered at Northampton, chiefly at the time of the late wonderful pouring out of the spirit of God there. 1
MFM 1144, reel 54.3 Conversations on the science of the human mind. 1
MFM 1144, reel 55.1 Phrenology proved, illustrated and applied, accompanied by a chart, together with a view of the moral and theological bearing of the science, 1
MFM 1144, reel 55.2 Autology: an inductive system of mental science; whose centre is the will, and whose completion is the personality. A vindication of the manhood of man, the godhood of God, and the divine authorship of nature. 1
MFM 1144, reel 55.3 Two letters on causation and freedom in willing, addressed to John Stuart Mill. 1
MFM 1144, reel 55.4 The primeval world of Hebrew tradition. 1
MFM 1144, reel 55.5 The gospel: a formal and sacramental religion. A sermon: preached at the Church of the Advent, in Boston, on the Sunday after Christmas, 1845. 1
MFM 1144, reel 55.6 The danger of desertion: or A farvvell sermon of Mr. Thomas Hooker, sometimes minister of Gods Word at Chainsford in Essex; but now of New England. Preached immediately before his departure out of old England. 1
MFM 1144, reel 55.7 The sovles exaltation. A treatise containing The soules vnion with Christ, on I Cor. 6.17. The soules benefit from vnion with Christ, on I Cor. 1.30. The soules justification, on 2 Cor. 5.21. 1
MFM 1144, reel 55.8 Lectures on moral science. Delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston. 1
MFM 1144, reel 56.1 Unitarianism philosophically and theologically examined in a series of periodical numbers; comprising a complete refutation of the leading principles of the Unitarian system. 1
MFM 1144, reel 56.10 Psychology; or, A view of the human soul; including anthropology, adapted for the use of colleges. 1
MFM 1144, reel 56.2 Thoughts on the moral system. 1
MFM 1144, reel 56.3 Christianity and positivism: a series of lectures to the times on natural theology and apologetics, delivered in New York, Jan. 16 to March 20, 1871, on the "Ely foundation" of the Union theological seminary. 1
MFM 1144, reel 56.4 The supernatural in relation to the natural. 1
MFM 1144, reel 056.5 The science of logic; or, An analysis of the laws of thought. 1