Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFM 1144, reel 533.5 A tour in America in 1798, 1799, and 1800. Exhibiting sketches of society and manners, and a particular account of the America system of agriculture, with its recent improvements. 1
MFM 1144, reel 533.6 A treatise on agriculture, comprising a concise history of its origin and progress: the present condition of the art abroad and at home, and the theory and practice of husbandry. To which is added, a dissertation on the kitchen and fruit garden. 1
MFM 1144, reel 533.7 The diseases of sheep explained and described, with the proper remedies to prevent and cure the same. With an essay on cattle epidemics ... 1
MFM 1144, reel 533.8 Essays on sheep: their varieties account of the merinoes of Spain, France, &c. Reflections on the best method of treating them, and raising a flock in the United States; together with miscellaneous remarks on sheep and woollen manufactures. 1
MFM 1144, reel 533.9 Letters on the culture and manufacture of cotton: addressed to Freeman Hunt, esq., editor of Hunt's Merchants' magazine, and published in the numbers of that journal for February and March, 1850, in reply to the communications of A.A. Lawrence, esq., originally published in the Merchants' magazine for Dec. 1849 and January, 1850. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.1 The early and later history of petroleum, with authentic facts in regard to its development in western Pennsylvania. The oil fields of Europe and America. Gas wells. Spiritual wells. Oil wells shafts. Petroleum products ... The Parkers' and Butler County oil fields. Also, life sketches of pioneer and prominent operators, with the refining capacity of the United States. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.10 Origin of the Erie Canal; embracing a synopsis of the essays of the Hon. Jesse Hawley published in 1807 : read before the society, February 21, 1966. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.11 The steam marine of the port of New York, examined in its connection with the southern ports of the United States and the West Indies; and in its communication with the Atlantic and Pacific oceans ... 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.12 Memoir on the recent surveys, observations, and internal improvements, in the United States, with brief notices of the new counties, towns, villages, canals, and railroads, never before delineated. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.13 The tourist; or, Pocket manual for travellers on the Hudson River, the western canal and stage road to Niagara falls. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.14 A letter, addressed to Cadwallader D. Colden, esquire. In answer to the strictures, contained in his "Life of Robert Fulton", upon the report of the select committee, to whom was referred a memorial relative to steam navigation, presented to the Legislature of New York, at the session of 1814. With an appendix, containing the several laws concerning steam boats: the petitions presented for their modification; and the reports of select committees thereupon & c., & c., & c. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.15 Remarks on the relation between education and crime, in a letter to the Right Rev. William White ... 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.16 The progress of educational development a discourse delivered before the literary societies of the University of Michigan ... June 25, 1855, 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.17 Remarks on changes lately proposed or adopted, in Harvard university. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.18 The life of Emma Willard. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.19 Elements of general knowledge, introductory to useful books in the principal branches of literature and science. Designed chiefly for the junior students in the universities, and the higher classes in schools. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.2 The manufacture of iron in Buffalo. A paper read by invitation before the Buffalo Historical Society, January 25, 1864. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.3 Labor: Its history and its prospects. An address delivered before the Young Men's Mercantile Library Association, of Cincinnati, on Tuesday, February 1, 1848. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.4 Remarks upon the Bank of the United States, being an examination of the Report of the Committee of Ways and Means, made to Congress, April, 1830. 1
MFM 1144, reel 534.5 Banks, banking, and paper currencies; in three parts. I. History of banking and paper money. II. Argument for open competition in banking. III. Apology for one-dollar notes. 1