Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 6024 W43s The stranger in Baltimore A new hand book, containing sketches of the early history and present condition of Baltimore, with a description of its notable localities, and other information ... 1
MFE 6024 W65h Holiday rambles 1
MFE 6024 W672s Sketches of travel in the Old and New world 1
MFE 6024 Z66l Last winter in the United States being table talk collected during a tour through the late Southern Confederation, the Far West, the Rocky Mountains, &c. / 1
MFE 6024A Am3f From a New England woman's diary in Dixie in 1865 1
MFE 6024A An2s The South since the war as shown by fourteen weeks of travel and observation in Georgia and the Carolinas / 1
MFE 6024A Ap5 Appletons' hand-book of American travel, The Southern tour being a guide through Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky ... with maps of the leading routes of travel and of the principal cities / 1
MFE 6024A Av1d Dixie after the War an exposition of social conditions existing in the South, during the twelve years succeeding the fall of Richmond. 1
MFE 6024A B12p Popular resorts, and how to reach them Combining a brief description of the principal summer retreats in the United States, and the routes of travel leading to them. 1
MFE 6024A B35u The undeveloped West: or, Five years in the territories: being a complete history of that vast region between the Mississippi and the Pacific its resources, climate, inhabitants, natural curiosities, etc., etc. Life and adventure on prairies, mountains, and the Pacific coast / 1
MFE 6024A B38h Die hundertjahrige Republik Sociale und politische Zustände in Veriningten Staaten Nordamerika's. 1
MFE 6024A B39l Letters from Florida 1
MFE 6024A B45o The other side how it struck us, 1
MFE 6024A B47r Reminiscences of a soldier's wife 1
MFE 6024A B54f Four months in a sneak-box a boat voyage of 2600 miles down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and along the Gulf of Mexico / 1
MFe 6024A B54v Voyage of the paper canoe a geographical journey of 2500 miles, from Québec to the Gulf of Mexico, during the years 1874-5 / 1
MFE 6024A B65f First days amongst the contrabands 1
MFE 6024A B72s Sketches from old Virginia 1
MFE 6024A B729g Glimpses of Texas: its divisions, resources, development and prospects 1
MFE 6024A B77g A guide-book of Florida and the South, for tourists, invalids, and emigrants ... 1