Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 6018 Sc6e Endurance training induced skeletal muscle antioxidant adaptation 1
MFE 6018 Sc7e Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption response to a bout of resistance exercise 1
MFE 6018 Sc8e The effect of an NCAA Division I wrestling season on selected physiological variables 1
MFE 6018 Se1e An electromyographic analysis of selected abdominal exercises 1
MFE 6018 Sf1v Validation of the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly using the Caltrac accelerometer 1
MFE 6018 Sh1e The effects of exercise on individuals with Down syndrome 1
MFE 6018 Sh1r Relationship between the talk test and ventilatory threshold 1
MFE 6018 Sh2c A comparison of blood flow of the vastus lateralis during exercise in trained and untrained cyclists as measured by 133 xenon clearance 1
MFE 6018 Sh7c Contractile function of single muscle fibers from chronically resistance trained humans 1
MFE 6018 Sh73e Effects of respiratory muscle fatigue on exercise performance in healthy females 1
MFE 6018 Si1e The Effects of high resistances on peak power output and total mechanical work during short-duration high intensity exercise in elite female athlete 1
MFE 6018 Sm1r Relationship between the talk test and ventilatory threshold during stochastic exercise 1
MFE 6018 Sm3i Intensity thresholds for post exercise hypotension 1
MFE 6018 Sm6c Cordyceps sinensis (Cordymax Cs-4) does not improve endurance performance in male competitive cyclists 1
MFE 6018 Sn9e The effect of prior aerobic exercise upon single session strength performance 1
MFE 6018 So3l A longitudinal study on aging and muscular endurance in women 1
MFE 6018 So8e The establishment of blood pressure norms for the Indiana University Adult Fitness Program 1
MFE 6018 Sp1i Individualized maximal GXT is preferred over standardized Bruce protocol in relatively fit college students 1
MFE 6018 Sp2p Predicting muscle fiber type through a leg extension test 1
MFE 6018 Sp7c A comparison of the physiological responses to exercise on five different upper and lower body ergometers 1