Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 6018 P219e Exercise-induced muscle damage and immune cell apoptosis 1
MFE 6018 P2198b Blood pressure reduction following the accumulation of short physical activity sessions versus a continuous physical activity session in prehypertension 1
MFE 6018 P22p Physiologic and performance changes during a season of men's collegiate basketball 1
MFE 6018 P27v Vitamin C supplementation and changes in blood glutathione status at rest and following exercise 1
MFE 6018 P28c A comparison of the submaximal and maximal responses to upright versus semi-recumbent cycling in females 1
MFE 6018 P29e The effects of weight training on bone mineral density of premenopausal females 1
MFE 6018 P41a An applied therapeutic magnet has no effect on grip strength 1
MFE 6018 P411d Determinants of left ventricular mass as measured by Doppler echocardiography in pre-adolescents 1
MFE 6018 P44m The metabolic costs of activities associated with deer hunting 1
MFE 6018 P47r Running economy and perceived exertion in adolescent girls 1
MFE 6018 P545a The association between habitual physical activity and insulin levels of overweight early adolescents 1
MFE 6018 P64m Mechanical specificity of low-frequency fatigue in rat skeletal muscle, in situ 1
MFE 6018 P746i The influence of ephedra on metabolic responses in trained men during a structured resistance training program 1
MFE 6018 P93a Accumulated oxygen deficit among highly conditioned female rowers during a 2,000 meter race simulation 1
MFE 6018 P96e The effects of hydration status and blood glucose on mental performance during extended exercise in the heat 1
MFE 6018 P98e The effect of caffeine and ephedrine on strength, power, and quickness 1
MFE 6018 R13c Calcium activated neutral protease (calpain) and the neutrophil their relationship and association with the acute inflammatory response to exercise / 1
MFE 6018 R14e Evaluation of the validity of a non-exercise technique of estimating VO₂max 1
MFE 6018 R18i An investigation comparing the effect of different resistance levels on power production 1
MFE 6018 R33p Physical characteristics including strength, flexibility and body anthropometry of sport climbers at the recreational and elite levels 1