Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 6018 L99p Prevalence of exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia in female asthmatic athletes 1
MFE 6018 M11c Creatine and acute hypohydration effect on plasma volume, mineral, and electrolyte balance / 1
MFE 6018 M11e Effect of exercise and hyperthermia on indices of oxidative stress 1
MFE 6018 M12c A comparison of the CardioGlide, CrossWalk, and treadmill walking on body composition and blood lipids in middle-aged men and women 1
MFE 6018 M129p The physiological effects of exercise on insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in individuals with Type II diabetes 1
MFE 6018 M13p Prostanoids contribute to cutaneous active vasodilation in humans 1
MFE 6018 M26a The acute effect of a six-hour fast on exercise performance 1
MFE 6018 M31i Intra-abdominal pressure and rowing the effects of inspiring versus expiring during the drive / 1
MFE 6018 M33e The effects of ergogenic aid supplementation on aerobic economy in competitive long-distance runners 1
MFE 6018 M36e The effects of a 12-week resistive training program on blood lipids of previously sedentary adult females
The effects of creatine on handgrip dynamometer maximal contraction and submaximal endurance contraction
MFE 6018 M43e The effect of prolonged canoeing on subsequent running performance 1
MFe 6018 M49e The effects of ribose supplementation on anaerobic exercise performance and markers of anaerobic metabolism 1
MFE 6018 M52c A comparison of the effects of stretch duration and repetitions on hamstring extensibility 1
MFE 6018 M564p The physiological responses to skateboarding 1
MFE 6018 M58p The pharmacology and physiology of anabolic-androgenic steroids 1
MFE 6018 M61s Skin and intramuscular temperature changes in varsity athletes while wearing a neoprene thigh sleeve during and following exercise 1
MFE 6018 M615e The effects of a pre-exercise meal and supplement on trained athletes 1
MFE 6018 M66i Influence of age on the hemodynamic adjustments to physiological stresses 1
MFE 6018 M66l Loading effects of phosphate on 2,3-DPG and aerobic capacity 1
MFE 6018 M82c Comparison of nutritional supplements during a six-week resistance training program 1