Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 6018 C88p Physiological comparison of incremental treadmill exercise and free range running 1
MFE 6018 D17a The association between stress hormones and testosterone 1
MFE 6018 D294s Short term creatine supplementation effects on metabolic rate and respiratory exchange ratio / 1
MFE 6018 D33m Monitoring work intensities during resistance training using a session RPE scale 1
MFE 6018 D35e The effects of pantethine / pantothenic acid supplementation on cholesterol and exercise metabolism 1
MFE 6018 D36i Influence of caffeine on substrate utilization during step aerobics in experienced step aerobics exercisers 1
MFE 6018 D36r The role of oxygen delivery in limiting the immediate adjustment of oxygen uptake during the transition from rest to submaximal exercise 1
MFE 6018 D366r Relationship between the talk test and ventilatory threshold 1
MFE 6018 D39e Effects of deep water running and treadmill running on oxygen uptake and energy expenditure in seasonally trained cross country runners 1
MFE 6018 D43e The effects of short-term exercise training on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in obese males with abnormal glucose intolerance 1
MFE 6018 D44e Expiratory flow limitation and ventilatory responsiveness interact to determine exercise ventilation 1
MFE 6018 D46u Using tissue Doppler imaging during exercise to assess ventricular function and wall motion in childhood survivors of acute lymphoblastic leukemia 1
MFE 6018 D61r The roles of ERK1/2 and PI3K in abnormal vascular functions in angiotensin II-infused hypertensive rats 1
MFE 6018 D65p The physiological responses to walking and stepping while wearing a weighted vest 1
MFE 6018 D71p Physiological responses to submaximal workloads on four exercise ergometers 1
MFE 6018 D87v Validation of a new maximum steady state protocol for cyclists 1
MFE 6018 D95e The effect of a calcium channel blocker on exercise induced muscle damage and hemodynamic parameters in young, healthy adults 1
MFE 6018 D97v The validity of a simulated forcible entry test for fire fighters 1
MFE 6018 F14e The effect of a moderate intensity, prolonged exercise bout on serum levels of testosterone and sex-hormone binding globulin 1
MFE 6018 F33s Swimming performance following different recovery protocols 1