Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 6018 B89r Relationships among body size, heat storage, initial steady state heart rate, and cardiovascular drift in running 1
MFE 6018 B93e The effects of exercise on endothelial function in patients with coronary artery disease 1
MFE 6018 C15d Dietary patterns of varsity collegiate fencers 1
MFE 6018 C15m Metabolic and cardiovascular responses to shallow water exercise in younger and older adult women 1
MFE 6018 C16r The relationship between an increased aerobic power and the excess post exercise oxygen consumption 1
MFE 6018 C164r Relationship between the talk test and the ischemic threshold 1
MFE 6018 C17e The effects of acute dietary creatine supplementation on power output indices and blood lactate concentrations during high-intensity intermittent cycling exercise 1
MFE 6018 C19e The effect of carbohydrate ingestion on immunocompetence following acute exhaustive resistance exercise 1
MFE 6018 C21e The effects of acute and chronic exercise on serum potassium in hemodialysis patients 1
MFE 6018 C32e The effects of four consecutive days of acute exercise on macrophage antigen presentation 1
MFE 6018 C36v Ventilatory influences on arterial saturation maintenance during exercise in normoxia and mild hypoxia 1
MFE 6018 C37k Knowledge of heart rate and estimated caloric expenditure on exercise adherence 1
MFE 6018 C42e The effect of active recovery on the post-exercise diffusion capacity 1
MFE 6018 C45e The effects of exercise on weight loss, fat loss and circumference changes 1
MFE 6018 C47c Cardiorespiratory responses following an 8 week deep water running training program in elderly women 1
MFE 6018 C47m Muscle temperature change during ultrasound treatments of 2 and 6 ERA 1
MFE 6018 C57c Comparing kilocalorie expenditure between a stair-stepper, a treadmill, and an elliptical trainer 1
MFE 6018 C69e Effects of three different hyperhydration strategies on cardiovascular and thermoregulatory responses, blood volume and running performance 1
MFE 6018 C83p Physiological comparison of chair aerobics and cycle ergometry in young female subjects 1
MFE 6018 C839n Nedocromil sodium and diphenhydramine HCl ameliorate exercise-induced hypoxemia 1