Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 5504 Concentric and eccentric strength differences in the lead and back legs of Division I college level fencers 1
MFE 5505 Peripheral chemoresponsiveness and exercise induced arterial hypoxemia in highly trained endurance athletes 1
MFE 5506 Restenosis rate after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in cardiac rehabilitation program participants 1
MFE 5507 Running economy following an intense cycling bout in trained female duathletes and triathletes 1
MFE 5508 The effects of acute exercise of varying intensities on subjects with type I diabetes mellitus 1
MFE 5509 The influence of agility on the mile run and PACER tests of aerobic endurance in fourth- and fifth-grade school children 1
MFE 5510 The effect of a weight training program on the bone density of women aged 40-50 years 1
MFE 5511 Comparison of balance and maximal oxygen consumption among hearing, congenital non-hearing and acquired non-hearing female intercollegiate athletes 1
MFE 5512 The effects of the Cross Walk[R]'s resistive arm poles on the metabolic costs of treadmill walking 1
MFE 5513 Predicting muscle fiber type through self-reporting 1
MFE 5514 Comparison of body composition between German and American adults with mental retardation 1
MFE 5515 Validity of the sit-and-reach test for male and female adolescents 1
MFE 5516 The effect of exercise on glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and superoxide dismutase activities in the post-ischemic heart 1
MFE 5517 Familial patterns of VO₂max and physical activity levels 1
MFE 5518 Cocaine and exercise temporal changes in the plasma concentrations of catecholamines, lactate, glucose and cocaine / 1
MFE 5519 Inadequate hyperventilation as a determinant of exercise induced hypoxemia 1
MFE 5520 The physiological responses to walking with and without Power Poles [symbol for trademark] on treadmill exercise 1
MFE 5521 Effects of the menstrual cycle phases on the energy intake and expenditure in physically active and inactive women 1
MFE 5522 Estimation of VO₂max from a submaximal 1-mile track jog for relatively fit teenage individuals 1
MFE 5523 The asthmatic athlete metabolic and ventilatory responses during exercise with and without pre-exercise medication / 1