Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 5165 The effect of a wheelchair sports presentation on modifying attitudes of junior high school students toward physically disabled persons 1
MFE 5166 The socialization of beginning physical education teachers 1
MFE 5167 Psychological descriptors of predicted ROS experiences the effect of time and order / 1
MFE 5168 Differences in movement speed between six year old children and adults on three motor tasks 1
MFE 5169 Nonverbal behavior of national figure skating coaches effects upon female athletes differing in age and athletic maturity levels / 1
MFE 5170 Catastrophe model of anxiety and performance application to field hockey / 1
MFE 5171 How leisure beliefs relate to attitudes toward the normalization principle as perceived by service providers for people with mental retardation 1
MFE 5172 Characteristics of thought processes and knowledge structures of novice tennis players 1
MFE 5173 The relationship of male identity, the mesomorphic image, and anabolic steroid use in bodybuilding 1
MFE 5174 A study of attitudes toward high school academics reported by current football players enrolling at selected Big Ten Conference universities from 1985 through 1989 1
MFE 5175 The relationship between identity status and contraceptive practices of college students 1
MFE 5176 Use of the Exercise benefits/barriers scale in North Carolina Department of Correction employees 1
MFE 5177 Sport program effects on participants with mental retardation 1
MFE 5178 Sport achievement orientation of male and female intercollegiate athletes, intramural athletes, and nonathletes 1
MFE 5179 The effects of prototypic examples and video replay on adolescent girls' acquisition of basic field hockey skills 1
MFE 5180 Effects of visual training on visual pursuit, catching, and attentiveness a case study / 1
MFE 5181 The effects of an evaluative audience upon college males' self-efficacy, perceived ability, anxiety, and learning of a novel motor task 1
MFE 5182 Effect of an active attentional strategy on running economy of low economical runners 1
MFE 5184 A test of the variability of practice hypothesis the acquisition of a gross motor skill / 1
MFE 5185 Goal orientation and moral atmosphere in youth sport an examination of lying, hurting, and cheating behavior in girls' soccer / 1