Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 3910 The effect of prior strength exercise on the heart rate-oxygen uptake relationship during submaximal exercise 1
MFE 3911 The effects of training and detraining on body composition and physiological parameters of collegiate basketball players 1
MFE 3912 The effect of acute anemia on endurance capacity, glucose and lactate kinetics, and the relative distribution of blood flow in rodents 1
MFE 3913 Carbon dioxide storage capacity of endurance and sprint-trained athletes in exercise 1
MFE 3914 Effects of dietary iron-deficiency and anemia on the metabolic responses to sub-maximal exercise 1
MFE 3915 The effects of pursed-lip breathing and added expiratory resistances on arterialized-venous blood gases and lactic acid 1
MFE 3916 The effects of heartworm infection and beta blockade on submaximal, graded exercise in dogs 1
MFE 3917 Ventilatory responses to elevated F₁CO₂s at rest, 25%, and 75% VO₂max in individuals classified as normal and hyper-responders 1
MFE 3918 Left ventricle size in weight lifters using anabolic steroids 1
MFE 3919 Acute exercise and passive hyperthermia augment interferon gamma and interleukin-2 induction in man 1
MFE 3920 Rat soleus magnesium as influenced by chronic endurance exercise and dietary magnesium 1
MFE 3921 Training and detraining effects on selected physiological measures of fitness in adult Black women 1
MFE 3922 Hemoglobin desaturization in highly trained athletes during heavy exercise 1
MFE 3923 The effects of atropine and pyridostigmine on temperature regulation and exercise tolerance in heat-stressed patas monkeys 1
MFE 3924 The effect of aerobic endurance exercise on maternal and fetal heart rate during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy 1
MFE 3925 Cardiovascular and thermoregulatory impairment during submaximal exercise with acetazolamide 1
MFE 3926 An electromyographical study comparing two methods of inducing muscle hypertrophy in the upper arm 1
MFE 3927 The effects of selective and non-selective beta adrenoreceptor blockade on the cardiovascular system during isometric (static) exercise 1
MFE 3928 Comparison of strength and flexibility between adolescent girls with scoliotic spines and adolescent girls with non-scoliotic spines 1
MFE 3929 Cardiovascular responses to static and isodynamic exercise with similar muscle masses 1