Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 3706 A study of drug knowledge, non-medical drug use, and attitudes toward legalization of illicit drugs of American and Nigerian students residing in Texas 1
MFE 3707 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome an annotated bibliography and discussion of the implications for health education / 1
MFE 3708 A comparison of alcohol drinking practices between sorority and non-sorority women 1
MFE 3709 General health perceptions and marital adjustment among selected university students 1
MFE 3710 The TWU motor creativity rating scale a validation study / 1
MFE 3711 Exercise as a predictor of body-cathexis and self-concept in pregnant women 1
MFE 3712 An investigation of the relationship between selected attitudinal, demographic, and behavioral variables and the self-reported interactions of university students with elderly individuals 1
MFE 3713 The effects of variability of practice on normal and mentally handicapped individuals for closed and open motor skills 1
MFE 3714 Life satisfaction, leisure satisfaction, and leisure participation among young-old and old-old adults with rural and urban residence 1
MFE 3715 Related factors in self-actualization and susceptibility to nutrition quackery among women 65 years of age and older 1
MFE 3716 The effects of computer-assisted instruction on selected interaction skills related to responsible sexuality 1
MFE 3717 Athletic perceived competence of learning disabled pre-adolescent males and the learning of a motor skill with augmented feedback 1
MFE 3718 Physical activity attitude as a function of sociocultural differences 1
MFE 3719 A meta-analysis of mental practice research differentiation between intent and type of cognitive activity utilized / 1
MFE 3720 The effects of peer presence on performance of the physical fitness test by educable mentally retarded pre-adolescent males 1
MFE 3721 The use of augmented feedback for the modification of riding mechanics of inexperienced cyclists 1
MFE 3722 Variables associated with attitudes toward one's own aging process 1
MFE 3723 Use of the Eating Disorder Inventory in determining eating disorder tendencies among runners 1
MFE 3724 The effect of competition upon the expression of aggression 1
MFE 3725 Mood states, injury perception, and extraversion related to injury frequency and predictability of athletic injury 1