Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 3061 Exercise-induced modifications in immune responsiveness in rats 1
MFE 3062 Hemodynamic responses of cardiovascular diseased patients during submaximal cycling in water 1
MFE 3063 Glycogen supercompensation in female distance runners 1
MFE 3064 Thermoregulation during prolonged exercise 1
MFE 3065 The effects of endorphins on respiration, metabolism, and heart rate during recovery from maximal aerobic exercise 1
MFE 3066 Renal function and aldosterone excretion following repeated episodes of prolonged running 1
MFE 3067 Female racquetball professionals a physiological profile / 1
MFE 3068 Children's ratings of perceived exertion a comparison between ratio and category scaling / 1
MFE 3069 Carbohydrate loading and its effect on ECG responses 1
MFE 3070 Possible thermoregulatory contributions of plasma B-endorphin during prolonged exercise in humans 1
MFE 3071 Respiratory synchronization with exercise 1
MFE 3072 The effect of exercise and epinephrine on insulin binding to mononuclear leucocytes 1
MFE 3073 The effect of modality on three respiratory indices of anaerobiosis and alteration of these indices by training 1
MFE 3074 The influence of sodium salicylate on thermoregulation at high ambient temperatures 1
MFE 3075 Serum creatine kinase responses to prolonged swimming and running in male subjects 1
MFE 3076 The effect of aerobic capacity on VO2 max values measured during leg ergometry and combined arm and leg ergometry 1
MFE 3077 The physiological effects of an acute period of smoking cessation 1
MFE 3078 Serum cholesterol and hematocrit levels of trained and untrained users and non-users of oral contraceptives 1
MFE 3079 Anaerobic threshold of trained swimmers 1
MFE 3080 Serum creatine kinase (CK) and CK-MB isoenzyme responses to acute and prolonged swimming in trained athletes 1