Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 2569 The development of an instrument for the evaluation of school health programs in the Commonwealth of Kentucky 1
MFE 2570 Smoking, exercise, and selected coronary risk factors 1
MFE 2571 The perceptions of prospective teachers toward sex education 1
MFE 2572 The incidence of Enterobius vermicularis in pre-school age children attending the Child Development Laboratory at Brigham Young University 1
MFE 2573 The use of the Health instruction framework for California public schools within the public education system in California 1
MFE 2574 The relationship of job satisfaction in industrial workers to indexes of occupational ill health 1
MFE 2575 A comparison of the driving record abstracts for treatment and control subjects involved in Pursuing the Human Side of Driving project 1
MFE 2576 Continuing education needs of activities coordinators in older adult long-term care facilities 1
MFE 2577 Consideration of selected social theories of aging as evidenced by patterns of adjustment to retirement among professional football players 1
MFE 2578 The interrelationship of androgyny, self-esteem and achievement motivation of female athletes 1
MFE 2579 The effect of stimulus distance and stimulus velocity on coincidence-anticipation ability 1
MFE 2580 Probing and perceiving second graders' affective responses to movement experiences 1
MFE 2581 An analysis of the mechanisms involved in the control of rapid, single limb, uni-directional movements 1
MFE 2582 A cross-cultural analysis of achievement motivation in sport and the classroom 1
MFE 2583 Achievement orientations and sport behavior of males and females 1
MFE 2584 Effects of hypnosis, relaxation training, or music on state anxiety and stress in female athletes 1
MFE 2585 Measuring commitment to physical activity 1
MFE 2586 A comparison of former scholastic athletes and nonathletes on self-concept and selected life adjustment correlates 1
MFE 2587 The effects of rewards, age, and level of performance on intrinsic motivation for a sport activity 1
MFE 2588 The relationship between self-actualization and levels of involvement in running 1