Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 2516 Muscle soreness after exercise the effects of early training with concentric contractions / 1
MFE 2517 Long term effects of a lecture-laboratory (conceptual) approach to physical education 1
MFE 2518 A comparison of fifth grade students with a professional physical education teacher and a regular teacher 1
MFE 2519 Athletic training, a developing profession 1
MFE 2520 Physical education program for autistic children 1
MFE 2521 Effects of a six-week physical fitness program on heart rate response of elementary school children 1
MFE 2522 Isokinetic resistance, vertical jump performance, and strength improvement of college men 1
MFE 2523 Litigation involving the legal status of the athletic scholarship 1
MFE 2524 Computer simulation of human motion applied to two types of backstroke starts 1
MFE 2525 The effects of relatively intense physical activity on the body composition of prepubertal females 1
MFE 2526 Role conflict of teacher-coach a possibility of conflicting moral values in teaching and coaching / 1
MFE 2527 Compliance in cardiac rehabilitation exercise programs 1
MFE 2528 The caloric expenditure of jogging in water 1
MFE 2529 An investigation of the variability of the celiac artery and its branches 1
MFE 2530 The effect of the graduated length method on tennis achievement of beginners 1
MFE 2531 A study of selected physical fitness components among institutionalized mentally retarded individuals 1
MFE 2532 Sports as finite provinces of meaning an application of the phenomenology of Alfred Schutz / 1
MFE 2533 The history of men's basketball in the Netherlands 1
MFE 2534 Seasonal changes in physical performance of college wrestlers undergoing repetitive weight reduction 1
MFE 2535 Construction of a battery of team handball skills tests 1