Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 2547 Interaction of effect of thyroxine and norepinephrine in the acutely cold-stressed rat 1
MFE 2548 Rat ovarian cycle its relationship to liver glycogen content and exercise endurance / 1
MFE 2549 Influence of carbohydrate diets and exhaustive exercise on tissue glycogen levels in non-trained rats 1
MFE 2550 The effect of seven hours of simulated altitude on 2,3 diphosphoglycerate and maximal oxygen uptake 1
MFE 2551 Influence of chronic beta-adrenergic blockade on hemodynamic and metabolic responses to endurance training 1
MFE 2552 Effect of caffeine ingestion on fuel utilization and endurance of trained and untrained men 1
MFE 2553 The effects of a 12 week cardiac rehabilitation program on body composition, heart rate and blood pressure 1
MFE 2554 Serum testosterone and estradiol-17 beta levels relative to the performance capabilities of nonathletic females 1
MFE 2555 The effect of aerobic and aerokinetic training on serum lipids and lipoproteins in college-aged women 1
MFE 2556 Selected responses of the immune system to exercise and passive thermal stress 1
MFE 2557 Selected physiological responses of untrained women training in water at different depths 1
MFE 2558 The effects of individually programmed heart rate monitor application during aerobic reconditioning of CHD subjects 1
MFE 2559 Comparison of central circulatory responses to exercise of trained men and women 1
MFE 2560 Recreation and community education directors' perceptions of recreation services for the mentally retarded in Minnesota communities 1
MFE 2561 Effects of Systematic Interpersonal Communications Training on potential leisure counselors 1
MFE 2562 Views held by outdoor recreation professionals relative to professional preparation for outdoor recreation 1
MFE 2563 The application of the community education philosophy to the K-12 component of the education system 1
MFE 2564 A comparison of two methods of instruction for teaching orienteering to college women 1
MFE 2565 A study of the performance of municipal parks and recreation directors 1
MFE 2566 Outdoor leadership competencies identified by outdoor leaders in five western regions 1