Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 1372 The relationship of serum testosterone levels to strength, percent body fat, and VO₂ max in females / 1
MFE 1373 Body composition, sinking force and oxygen uptake of young swimmers treading water / 1
MFE 1374 A comparison of certain ECG interval times between mentally retarded and normal children at rest and during exercise, and during recovery 1
MFE 1375 Effects of continuous vs. interval training at constant mechanical work on cardiorespiratory fitness in college women / 1
MFE 1376 Retrogression and the erythrocyte 1
MFE 1377 Analysis of selected physiological variables and selected biological rhythms in the performance of track and field competitors 1
MFE 1378 Perceived exertion in aerobic and anaerobic performance of black and white college males 1
MFE 1379 The role of insulin during a glycogen loading process, and its effect on adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate levels of striated muscle / 1
MFE 1380 Effect of exercise on liver and blood serum lipid / 1
MFE 1381 Blood serum component concentration changes as a result of high fit athletes racing over different long distances 1
MFE 1382 The effects of exercise on cellular activity, mineral composition, and architectural structure in canine bone 1
MFE 1383 Large vs. small muscle mass activity in rhythmic effort : a hemodynamic comparison / 1
MFE 1384 Relationship of estrogen levels to strength, percent body fat, and VO2 max in college females / 1
MFE 1385 The effect of initial fitness and exercise intensity on physical work capacity in females / 1
MFE 1386 Lactate removal from the blood of trained distance runners following strenuous intermittent exercise / 1
MFE 1387 The development of a simple submaximal treadmill test to predict maximum aerobic capacity / 1
MFE 1388 Effects of physical training upon collagen and elastin fibers of the aorta of adult male white rats / 75 days and 130 days old / 1
MFE 1389 The role of renin-angiotensin and prostaglandin hormonal systems in the regulation of renal blood flow during exercise in dogs / 1
MFE 1390 A study of the existence of attributes of the Protestant work ethic in leisure participation 1
MFE 1391 Programming therapeutic group activities for children / 1