Call Number (LC) Title Results
MFE 1358 Norms and prediction equations for body composition of children grades one through eight / 1
MFE 1359 A cinematographical analysis of one-handed and two-handed tennis backhand strokes 1
MFE 1360 Basic mechanics of women's gymnastics 1
MFE 1361 Strength, muscular endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance changes in college males and females as a function of training / 1
MFE 1362 An investigation into the sociological background of the athletes who represented the United States of America in the XII Winter Olympic Games of 1976 / 1
MFE 1363 A validation of the national Y.M.C.A. physical work capacity test 1
MFE 1364 Assessment of electromyographic feedback on the motor control of selected muscles in spastic cerebral palsy individuals 1
MFE 1365 Longitudinal changes in stride length and stride rate of children running 1
MFE 1366 Tort law : negligence and liability in physical education with reference to higher education 1
MFE 1367 The effects of participating in an aerobic training program on male faculty members and administrators at Oklahoma State University / 1
MFE 1368 A biomechanical evaluation of the treadmill as a simulator of overground running 1
MFE 1369 A biochemical and ultrastructural comparison of vascular smooth muscle from DOCA hypertensive and normotensive rats / 1
MFE 1370 An analysis of leader behavior, group interaction and organizational climate in physical education departments of selected Canadian universities 1
MFE 1371 An approach to movement exploration 1
MFE 1372 The relationship of serum testosterone levels to strength, percent body fat, and VO₂ max in females / 1
MFE 1373 Body composition, sinking force and oxygen uptake of young swimmers treading water / 1
MFE 1374 A comparison of certain ECG interval times between mentally retarded and normal children at rest and during exercise, and during recovery 1
MFE 1375 Effects of continuous vs. interval training at constant mechanical work on cardiorespiratory fitness in college women / 1
MFE 1376 Retrogression and the erythrocyte 1
MFE 1377 Analysis of selected physiological variables and selected biological rhythms in the performance of track and field competitors 1