Call Number (LC) Title Results
MCD 984 The two principal arguments of William Wirt, esquire, on the trial of Aaron Burr, for high treason and on the motion to commit Aaron Burr and others, for trial in Kentucky. From the press of Samuel Pleasants, jun. 1
MCD 985 A two years journal in New York: and part of its territories in America. 1
MCD 986 A correct statement of the various sources from which the History of the administration of John Adams was compiled, and the motives for its suppression by Col. Burr: with some observation on a Narrative / 1
MCD 987 The history of the administration of John Adams, esq. late president of the United States / 1
MCD 988 Nevv Englands prospect ... / 1
MCD 989 A word to Federalists and to those who love the memory of Washington / 1
MCD 990 An address, to the Republican citizens of New-York / on the inauguration of Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States. 1
MCD 991 Libro primo de la conqvista del Perv & prouincia del Cuzco de le Indie occidentali / con gratia & priuilegio per anni X. 1
MCD 992 The defence of Young and Minns / printers to the state, before the committee of the House of Representatives. 1
MCD 993 Observations on the present state of the waste lands of Great Britain / 1
MCD 994 The speeches at full length of Mr. Van Ness, Mr. Caines, the Attorney-General [Ambrose Spencer], Mr. Harrison, and General Hamilton, in the great cause of the people, against Harry Croswell, on an indictment for a libel on Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States / 1
MCD 995 A coppy of a letter of Mr. Cotton of Boston, in New England / sent in answer of certaine objections made against their discipline and orders there, directed to a friend. VVith the questions propounded to such as are admitted to the church-fellowhip, and the covenant itselfe. 1
MCD 997 News from New-England: in a letter written by a person of quality, wherein is a true account of the present state of that country, with respect to the late revolution, and the present war with the Indians there. 1
MCD 999 Kinesthesis in relation to skill level in basketball, bowling and tennis / 1
MCD 1000 The effect of different lengths of practice on the learning of certain basketball skills among junior high school boys 1
MCD 1001 The relationship between the Miller Analogies Test and the Technical Vocabulary Test. 1
MCD 1002 A study of transfer of training in eye-hand and eye-foot coordination 1
MCD 1003 A study of personal adjustment and social status measures of nonparticipants and athletic groups of boys ten to fifteen years of age 1
MCD 1004 Mental, social, maturity, and physical characteristics of boys underaged and normal-aged in elementary school grades / 1
MCD 1005 Personality differences between adolescent girls of high and low motor performance / 1