Call Number (LC) Title Results
MCD 925 Speech on the restriction of slavery in Missouri / 1
MCD 926 Cui bono? : or, An inquiry, what benefits can arise either to the English or the Americans, the French, Spaniards, or Dutch, from the greatest victories, or successes in the present war? Being a series of letters addressed to Monsieur Necker, late controller general of the finances of France / 1
MCD 927 An humble address and earnest appeal to those respectable personages in Great-Britain and Ireland / who, by their great and permanent interest in landed property, their liberal education, elevated rank and enlarged views, are the ablest to judge, and the fittest to decide, whether a connection with, or a separation from the continental colonies of America, be most for the national advantage, and the lasting benefit of these kingdoms. 1
MCD 928 A letter from a merchant in London to his nephew in North America, relative to the present posture of affairs in the colonies; in which the supposed violation of characters, and the several grievances complained of, are particularly discussed, and the consequences of an attempt towards independency set in a true light ... / 1
MCD 929 A letter to Edmund Burke, esq; member of Parliament for the city of Bristol, and agent for the colony of New York, &c. in answer to his printed Speech, said to be spoken in the House of Commons on the twenty-second of March, 1775 / 1
MCD 930 A pamphlet, containing a series of letters / 1
MCD 931 Thoughts on emigration / To which are added, miscellaneous observations relating to the United States of America: and a short account of the state of Kentucky. 1
MCD 932 Schemes offered for the perusal and consideration of the Legislature, freeholders, and public in general: shewing the many evils that might be prevented, and the good that would accrue to the public, were they improved, and enacted into laws. 1
MCD 933 The vain prodigal life, and tragical penitent death of Thomas Hellier born at Whitchurch near Lyme in Dorset-Shire; who for murdering his master, mistress, and a maid, was executed according to law at Westover in Charles City, in the country of Virginia, near the plantation called Hard Labour, where he perpetrated the said murders. He suffer'd on Monday the 5th of August, 1678. and was after hanged up in chains at Windmill-Point on James River / 1
MCD 934 Message from the President of the United States to both houses of Congress : at the commencement of the second sessions of the Tenth Congress. 1
MCD 935 The present state of Hudson's bay. Containing a full description of that settlement, and the adjacent country; and likewise of the fur trade, with hints for its improvement, &c. &c. To which are added, remarks and observations made in the inland parts, during a residence of near four years; a specimen of five Indian languages; and a journal of a journey from Montreal to New-York / 1
MCD 936 Reflections on the cession of Louisiana to the United States. 1
MCD 937 Catalogue of the Library of the United States to which is annexed, a copious index, alphabetically arranged. 1
MCD 938 Ten hints addressed to wise men; concerning the dispute which ended, on Nov. 8, 1809, in the dismission of Mr. Jackson, the British minister to the United States. 1
MCD 939 Notices of the original, and successive efforts, to improve the discipline of the prison at Philadelphia, and to reform the criminal code of Pennsylvania; with a few observations on the penitentiary system / 1
MCD 940 Memoirs of the life of Anthony Benezet / 1
MCD 941 Scheeps-togt van Johan de Verrazano, Florentyner, na Florida; uytgesonden van Francoys de I, koning van Vrankrijk, om vreemde landen te ont dekken, in het jaar 1524. Briefs-wijse door den ontdekker opgesteld, en aan sijn koninglijke majesteyt gesonden. Verhalende een ontdekking van verscheyde zee-kusten, en eylanden, met de besch--rijving der selver volkeren, bun levens-manier, dragt, gedaante, imborst, woonplaatsen, dieren, vrugten, zaay-tijd, en alles, wat aanmerkinge verdient. Vooraf gaat een Kort voor-berigt van de Scheeps-togten en volk-plantingen der franssen, in het Noorder gedeelte van America, te weeten in Florida en Canada; de eerste in het jaar 1524, en soo vervolgens. Nu alder-eerst uyt het Frans vertaald. Met noodig rigister en konst-print verrijkt. [Vignette] / 1
MCD 942 Verscheyde scheeps-togten na Florida door Pontius, Ribald, Laudonniere, Gourgues en andere: gedaan in het Jaar 1512, en vervolgens. Waar in veele zeldsame ontmoetingen zijn voor-gevallen ... Door de Reysigers selfs opgeteekend, en door haar aan sijn Koninglijke majesteyt van Vrankrijk, Karel de IX, persoonelijk verlag gedaan, en nu uyt die Taal alder-eerst over-geset, met noodig Register en Konst-Printen verrijkt. 1
MCD 943 Original papers relating to the expedition to Panama / 1
MCD 944 Be [i.e. de] ora antarctica per regem Portugallie pridem inuenta 1