Call Number (LC) Title Results
MCD 965 Industry and diligence in our callings earnestly recommended: in a sermon preached before the honourable Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia, in America, and the Associates of the late Rev. Dr. Bray; at their anniversary meeting, March 17, 1736-7. At the parish-church of St. Bride, alias St. Bridget, in Fleet-street, London. 1
MCD 966 Letters from His Excellency George Washington, to Arthur Young, esq., F. R. S., and Sir John Sinclair, Bart., M. P. / containing an account of his husbandry, with his opinions on various questions in agriculture; and many particulars of the rural economy of the United States. 1
MCD 967 Letters from Washington, on the Constitution and laws; with sketches of some of the prominent public characters of the United States. Written during the winter of 1817-18. 1
MCD 968 A circular letter from George Washington commander in chief of the armies of the United States of America, to His Excellency William Greene, Esq., governor of the state of Rhode Island. 1
MCD 969 A sermon preached before the Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America; at their anniversary meeting in the parish-church of St. Bridget, alias St. Bride, in Fleetstreet, London: on Thursday, March 18, 1735. 1
MCD 970 War without disguise or, Brief considerations on the political and commercial relations of Great Britain and Ireland, with the United States of America, at the close of the year 1811. 1
MCD 971 An address delivered at the laying of the corner stone of the Bunker Hill Monument / 1
MCD 972 A discourse, delivered at Plymouth, December 22, 1820 / In commmoration of he first settlement of New-England. 1
MCD 973 Speech / delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, on the 14th January, 1814, on a bill making further provision for filling the ranks of the regular army, encouraging enlistments, and authorising the enlistments for longer periods of men whose terms of service are about to expire. 1
MCD 974 A visit to North America and the English settlements in Illinois / with a winter residence at Philadelphia; soley to ascertain the actual prospects of the emigrating agriculturist, mechanic, and commercial speculator. 1
MCD 975 A calm address to the inhabitants of England / 1
MCD 976 An account of money received and disbursed for the orphan-house in Georgia ... To which is prefixed a plan for the building / 1
MCD 977 A key into the language of America: or An help to the language of the natives in that part of America called New-England. Together, with briefe observations of the customes, manners and worships, &c. of the aforesaid natives, in peace and warre, in life and death. 1
MCD 978 Observations on the climate in different parts of America, compared with the climate in corresponding parts of the other continent / To which are added , remarks on the different complexions of the human race; with some account of the abrigines of America. Being an introductory discourse to the History of North-Carolina. 1
MCD 979 An essay towards an instruction for the Indians : explaining the most essential doctrines of Christianity : which may be of use to such Christians, as have not well considered the meaning of the religion they profess : or, who profess to know God, but in works do deny Him : in several short and plain dialogues, together with directions and prayers for the heathen world, missionaries, catechumens, private persons, families, of parents, for their children, for Sundays, &c. / 1
MCD 980 Hypocrisie unmasked: by a true relation of the proceedings of the governour and company of the Massachusets against Samvel Gorton (and his accomplices) ... examined ... by their Generall Court ... Boston in New-England in November last, 1646. Together with a particular answer to the manifold slanders ... in a book written by the said Gorton. VVhereunto is added a briefe narration ... of the true grounds of cause of the first planting of New-England. 1
MCD 981 The voyages, distresses, and adventures of Capt. Winterfield / Written by himself. Containing an account of his transactions in America, during the war; his disastrous voyage to England, in which he had the misfortune to be taken by an Algerine man of war, near the coast of Portugal, and carried to Barbary, where he remained in slavery upwards of six years; his miraculous escape from thence, with five more, in a canvass boat of their own construction, and safe arrival at Majorca; with several remarkable circumstances after his captivity; and his safe arrival at last in Scotland. 1
MCD 982 A short story of the rise, reign, and ruine of the Antinomians, Familists & libertines, that infected the churches of Nevv-England... / and the lamentable death of Ms. Hutchison [sic]... 1
MCD 983 The letters of the British spy / 1
MCD 984 The two principal arguments of William Wirt, esquire, on the trial of Aaron Burr, for high treason and on the motion to commit Aaron Burr and others, for trial in Kentucky. From the press of Samuel Pleasants, jun. 1