Call Number (LC) Title Results
MCD 621 The pleasant historie of the conquest of the VVeast India, now called new Spayne, atchieued by the vvorthy Prince Hernando Cortes, marques of the Valley of Huaxacac, most delectable to reade: translated out of the Spanishe tongue, by T. N. Anno. 1578. / 1
MCD 622 Observations on Dr. Price's Theory and principles of civil liberty and government, preceded by a letter to a friend, on the pretensions of the American colonies, in respect of right and equity / 1
MCD 623 An address to the people of England, Scotland, and Ireland, on the present important crisis of affairs / 1
MCD 624 A descriptive sketch of the present state of Vermont. One of the United states of America / 1
MCD 625 A song of Sion Written by a citizen thereof, whose outward habitation is in Virginia, and being sent over to some of his friends in England, the same is found fitting to be published, for to warn the seed of evil doers... / 1
MCD 626 Notizie varie sullo stato presente della repubblica degli Stati Uniti dell' America Settentrionale, scritte al principio del 1818. / 1
MCD 627 Report of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations on the petition of the Honourable Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, John Sargent, and Samuel Wharton, esquires, and their associates; for a grant of lands on the River Ohio, in North America; for the purpose of erecting a new government. With Observations and remarks / 1
MCD 628 Representation of the Board of Trade relating to the laws made, manufactures set up, and trade carried on, in His Majesty's plantations in America / 1
MCD 629 Correspondence relating to America, presented to Parliament in 1810 / 1
MCD 630 Papers relating to America. Presented to the House of commons, 1809 / 1
MCD 631 An abridgement of the laws in force and use in Her Majesty's plantations; (viz.) of Virginia, Jamaica, Barbadoes, Maryland, New-England, New-York, Carolina, &c. Digested under proper heads in the method of Mr. Wingate, and Mr. Washington's abridgements / 1
MCD 632 An act prohibiting trade with the Barbada's, Virginia, Bermuda's and Antego. Die jovis, 30 octobr. 1650. Ordered by the Parliament, that this act be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, cleric. Parliamenti / 1
MCD 633 A bill for repealing several subsidies, and an impost, now payable on tobacco of the British plantations, and for granting an inland duty in lieu thereof / 1
MCD 634 A bill for the more easy and effectual conviction of persons returning from transportation [to any part of America] / 1
MCD 635 An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, whereby Robert earle of Warwicke is made governour in chiefe, and lord high admirall of all those islands and other plantations, inhabited, planted, or belonging to any His Majesties the King of Englands subjects, within the bounds, and upon the coasts of America ... 1
MCD 636 The debate on a motion for the abolition of the slave-trade, in the House of Commons, on Monday and Tuesday, April 18 and 19, 1791, 1
MCD 637 At the court at Whitehall, this 26th day of March 1686 [A proclamation against transporting His Majesty's subjects to his plantations in America]... / 1
MCD 638 The two charters granted by King Charles IId to the proprietors of Carolina. With the first and last fundamental Constitutions of that colony / 1
MCD 639 The great probability of a North West Passage: deduced from observations on the letter of Admiral de Fonte, who sailed from the Callao of Lima on the discovery of a communication between the South Sea and the Atlantic Ocean ... / 1
MCD 640 A letter to the Honorable John C. Calhoun, Vice-President of the United States, Robert Y. Hayne, Senator of the United States, George M'Duffie, of the House of Representatives of the United States, and James Hamilton, Jr. Governor of the state of South-Carolina / 1