Call Number (LC) Title Results
MCD 331 An accurate and interesting account of the hardships and sufferings of that band of heroes, who traversed the wilderness in the campaign against Quebec in 1775 / 1
MCD 332 Historical anecdotes, civil and military: in a series of letters, written from America, in the years 1777 and 1778, to different persons in England; containing observations on the general management of the war, and on the conduct of our principal commanders, in the revolted colonies, during that period / 1
MCD 333 The trve sentiments of America : contained in a collection of letters sent from the Hovse of representatives of the province of Massachvsetts Bay to several persons of high rank in this kingdom: together with certain papers relating to a svpposed libel on the Governor of that province, and A dissertation on the canon and the fevdal law / 1
MCD 334 The narrative of Lieut. Gen. Sir William Howe, in a committee of the House of Commons, on the 29th of April, 1779, relative to his conduct, during his late command of the king's troops in North America: to which are added, some observations upon a pamphlet, entitled, Letters to a nobleman / 1
MCD 335 The objections to the taxation of our American colonies : by the legislature of Great Britain, briefly consider'd /
Speech on the tariff bill, delivered in the House of Representatives, April 19,1828 /
MCD 336 The patriot : Addressed to the electors of Great Britain ... / 1
MCD 337 The justice and necessity of taxing the American colonies, demonstrated. Together with a vindication of the authority of Parliament / 1
MCD 338 The claim of the colonies to an exemption from internal taxes : imposed by authority of Parliament, examined: in a letter from a gentleman in London to his friend in America / 1
MCD 339 The controversy between Great Britain and her colonies reviewed : the several pleas of the colonies, in support of their right to all the liberties and privileges of British subjects, and to exemption from the legislative authority of Parliament, stated and considered; and the nature of their connection with, and dependence on, Great Britain, shewn, upon the evidence of historical facts and authentic records / 1
MCD 340 The interest of the merchants and manufacturers of Great Britain : in the present contest with the colonies, stated and considered / 1
MCD 341 A second appeal to the justice and interests of the people, on the measures respecting America. / 1
MCD 342 A speech intended to have been delivered in the House of Commons, in support of the petition from the general Congress at Philadelphia. 1
MCD 343 Considerations on certain political transactions of the province of South Carolina: containing a view of the colony legislatures (under the description of that of Carolina in particular). With observations, shewing their resemblance to the British model / 1
MCD 344 A letter to the people of America lately printed at New York; now re-published by an American. 1
MCD 345 A letter to the Right Honourable Lord M----- : on the affairs of America / 1
MCD 346 An answer to the Declaration of the American Congress / 1
MCD 347 Remarks on the principal acts of the Thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain. 1
MCD 348 The memorial of common-sense, upon the present crisis between Great-Britain and America / 1
MCD 349 Historical remarks on the taxation of free states, in a series of letters to a friend / 1
MCD 350 Minutes of the trial and examination of certain persons, in the province of New-York, charged with being engaged in a conspiracy against the authority of the Congress, and the liberties of America / 1