Call Number (LC) Title Results
MCD 1670 A comparative electromyographic analysis of three abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis, internal oblique and external oblique), while running and performing sit-ups... 1
MCD 1671 Changes in the flexibility of selected joints of crewmen following a season of rowing... 1
MCD 1672 Investigation of total-body and arm measures of reaction time, movement time, and completion time for twelve, fourteen, and seventeen year old athletes and nonparticipants... 1
MCD 1673 A comparison of physical fitness test results for junior high school students in two classes of varying module time blocks... 1
MCD 1675 A comparison of hook and straight ball bowling for beginning bowlers... 1
MCD 1676 A comparison of the changes in physical performance and ball-handling skills of girls in basketball and fitness classes... 1
MCD 1677 A cinematographic analysis of two selected baseball swings... 1
MCD 1678 The effects of diet and physical activity on selected measures of college women... 1
MCD 1679 Longitudinal analyses of skinfold measures as related to selected physical tests for boys twelve through seventeen years of age... 1
MCD 1680 Changes in the plasma catecholamine and corticosterone levels following moderate and exhaustive exercise programs... 1
MCD 1681 Aerobic and anaerobic performance characteristics of champion runners at sea level and moderate altitude... 1
MCD 1682 An electromyographic study of the function of selected muscles involved in the throwing of the discus... 1
MCD 1683 Free 11-OHCS levels in working dogs as affected by exercise training... 1
MCD 1684 Thermoregulatory response to application of 2 ̊centigrade temperature increments of body surface and muscle temperature changes during graded increases of muscular exercise performed at several ambient temperature states 1
MCD 1685 The cardiac stress of badminton participation... 1
MCD 1686 Post-exercise urinary creatine-creatinine as a function of the duration of heavy exercise... 1
MCD 1687 Estimation of underwater residual volume from related measures... 1
MCD 1688 An energy cost comparison of positive and negative work for lean and obese middle-aged males... 1
MCD 1689 The relation of carbon dioxide output, change in pH and heart rate among cross country runners at 6.5 miles per hour at 15 o/o gradient until ecxhausted. 1
MCD 1690 The effects of anabolic steroid treatment on blood chemistry profile, oxygen uptake, static strength, and performance in competitive swimmers... 1