Call Number (LC) Title Results
E DENi In the snow / 1
E DeP The clown of God : an old story /
Bill and Pete /
Bill and Pete go down the Nile /
Oliver Button is a sissy /
Little Grunt and the big egg : a prehistoric fairytale /
Watch out for the chicken feet in your soup /
E DEPf Four friends at Christmas / 1
E DEPj Jamie O'Rourke and the pooka / 1
E DEPn The night of Las Posadas / 1
E DEPp Pascual and the kitchen angels / 1
E DER The crayon box that talked /
Vivi loves science /
Vivi loves science.
E DeR What can you do with a shoe? /
Going for a walk /
May I bring a friend?
E Der Hieroglyphs from A to Z : a rhyming book with ancient Egyptian stencil for kids / 1
E DERc A collection for Kate / 1
E DERd Deena's lucky penny / 1
E DERn No mush today / 1
E DERp Count on Pablo / 1
E DERw What did you put in your pocket? /
Was it a good trade? /
E DES Zola's elephant /
A fire truck named Red /
E DESdE Daydreams of a solitary hamster / 1
E DESm Mathilda and the orange balloon / 1
E DeV An enchanted hair tale / 1
E Dev Old Black Witch! /
The trouble with Henriette /
E DEVe Elvis the camel / 1