Call Number (LC) Title Results
BV4598.4 .G78 2021 Winning the war in your mind : change your thinking, change your life / 1
BV4598.4 .H67 2011 Mind your faith : a student's guide to thinking & living well / 1
BV4598.4 .M49 2010 Power thoughts : 12 strategies to win the battle of the mind / 1
BV4598.4 .O875 2018 Next level thinking : 10 powerful thoughts for a successful and abundant life / 1
BV4598.4 .O88 2016 Think better, live better : a victorious life begins in your mind / 1
BV4598.4 .T558 2015 Thinking theologically / 1
BV4598.5 .B38 2000eb Receiving the day : Christian practices for opening the gift of time / 1
BV4598.5 .P44 A practical discourse concerning the redeeming of time / 1
BV4598.7 .M49 2013 Making good habits, breaking bad habits : 14 new behaviors that will energize your life / 1
BV4599.5.C44 S74 2013 The world is not ours to save : finding the freedom to do good / 1
BV4599.5.C44 V56 2017 Innovation theology : a Biblical inquiry and exploration / 1
BV4599.5.C45 A78 2021eb A Christian education in the virtues : character formation and human flourishing / 1
BV4599.5.C45 B468 2014 A theory of character in New Testament narrative / 1
BV4599.5.P75 F74 2019 The next right thing : a simple, soulful practice for making life decisions / 1
BV4599.5 .T74 2021eb The God of the garden : thoughts on creation, culture, and the kingdom / 1
BV4610 .B74 The true watch and rule of life, or, A direction for the examination of our spirituall estate, : and for the guiding of our whole course of life, according to the word of God, whereby wee must be judged at the last day. : Shewing us in the glasse of the law, viz. The X. Commandements, our owne naturall miseries. And in the glasse of the Gospell: viz. The XII. Articles of the Creed, the examination of our faith and repentence. : Whereunto are added, I. What strength we may receive from the holy sacraments, for our certaine assurance of Gods favour and eternall salvation : I. A briefe direction for our preparation to the fruitfull receiving of the Lords Supper. / 1
BV4610 .B74 1617 The true watch, and rule of life, or, A direction for the examination of our spirituall estate : and for the guiding of the whole course of our life, according to the Word of God, vvhereby we must be iudged at the last day, to help to preserue vs from apostasie, or decaying in grace, and to further our daylie grouth in Christ. 1
BV4610 .B74 1626 The true watch, and rule of life, or, A direction for the examination of our spirituall estate : and for the guiding of our whole course of our life, (according to the Word of God, whereby wee must bee iudged at the last day) to helpe to preserue vs from apostasie, or decaying in grace, and to further our daily growth in Christ. 1
BV4610 .C65 1519 Complaynt of the soule 1
BV4610 .D87 The reformed spiritvall husbandman : with an humble memorandum concerning Chelsy Colledge, and a correspondencie with forreign Protestants. 1