Call Number (LC) Title Results
B02740R William James in person and in the library 1
B02741R William James & contemporary neurophenomenology
William James on the will
B02742R Bullied: a student, a school and a case that made history 1
B02743a Cinevardaphoto 1
B02744a John Locke : Words of change 1
B02745R The United Nations is terminally paralyzed : a debate 1
B02746R Defying genocide : choices that saved lives 1
B02747R Apollo et Hyacinthus 1
B02748R Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots 1
B02749R Bastien und Bastienne / Der schauspieldirektor 1
B02750R Irrfahrten I La finta semplice / 1
B02751R Mitridate re di Ponto 1
B02752R Mitridate re di Ponto
Betulia liberata
B02755R Ascanio in Alba 1
B02756R Il sogno di Scipione 1
B02757R Lucio Silla 2
B02759R La finta giardiniera 1
B02760R La finta giardiniera 1
B02761R Il re pastore 1
B02762R Irrfahrten II Abendempfindung
Irrfahrten II Rex tremendus /