Call Number (LC) Title Results
B00508R Giulio Cesare = Julius Caesar 1
B00509R Rinaldo 1
B00510a Medicating children 1
B00511R Give 'em the pickle! 1
B00512R Salem witch trials 1
B00513R Powaqqatsi : Life in transformation 1
B00514R Koyaanisqatsi : Life out of balance 1
B00515R Der Freischütz / 1
B00516R Farinelli, il castrato / 1
B00517R Lady MacBeth of Mtsensk 1
B00518R Merce Cunningham : A Lifetime of dance 1
B00519a John Adams 1
B00520a John Quincy Adams 1
B00521a John Peter Altgeld 1
B00522a Thomas Hart Benton 1
B00523a Grover Cleveland 1
B00524a Thomas Corwin 1
B00525a Prudence Crandall 1
B00526a General Alexander Doniphan 1
B00527a Frederick Douglass 1