Call Number (LC) Title Results
B Zin The pigman & me / 1
[B2581.E5L ] New essays concerning human understanding, 1
Backlog NEH 27 204 b-w Anno regni Georgii II. Regis. : At a General Assembly begun at New-Castle, in the government of the counties of New-Castle, Kent and Sussex, upon Delaware, the twentieth day of October, ... 1759, the following law was passed by the Honourable William Denny, Esquire, governor; that is to say, An act to redress the misemployment of lands, and stocks of money, heretofore given and purchased, for the use of the minister of the Swedes Lutheran Church, called Trinity-Church, in the borough of Wimington ... 1
BC Course Notes on Finite Games and Rational Choice /
Dialogare : compendio di logica /
BC1-199 Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics / 1
BC1 .A74 Argumentation. 2
BC5 .C66 1986eb Argumentation : perspectives and approaches : proceedings of the conference on argumentation 1986 / 1
BC5 .G76 1982eb Argumentation : approaches to theory formation : containing the contributions to the Groningen Conference on the Theory of Argumentation, October 1978 / 1
BC6 Thinking about logic : classic essays / 1
BC6 .F58 Essays in conceptual analysis, 1
BC6 .F63 1953a Logic and language (second series) 1
BC6 .H36 1983 Handbook of philosophical logic / 1
BC6 .R8 Classics in logic; readings in epistemology, theory of knowledge and dialectics. 1
BC6 .S8 Philosophical logic / 1
BC9 .C66 2009eb A dictionary of philosophical logic / 1
BC11 .B47 1581 De P. Rami dialecticae praecipuis capitibus disputationes scholaticae : & cum ijsdem variorum logicorum comparationes: quae Paedagogiae logicae pars secunda, qua artis veritas exquiritur / 1
BC11.B47 L63 Logick, or, The key of sciences, and the Moral science, or, The way to be happy : the former directing our understanding how to reason well of all things, and the latter guiding our will to an honest and vertuous life : both very useful to learn French and English / by Peter Berault. 1
BC11 .F45 1673 Grammatica rationis, sive, Institutiones logicae. 1
BC11 .F46 1584 The artes of logike and rethorike [sic] : plainelie set foorth in the Englishe tounge, easie to be learned and practised : togeather with examples for the practise of the same, for methode in the gouernment of the familie, prescribed in the word of God, and for the whole in the resolution or opening of certaine partes of Scripture, according to the same.
The artes of logike and rethorike [sic] : plainelie set foorth in the English tounge, easie to be learned and practised : togither vvith examples for the practise of the same for methode, in the gouernement of the familie, prescribed in the word of God, and for the whole in the resolution or opening of certayne partes of Scripture, according to the same.
BC11 .S33 Liber commentariorum topicorvm, hoc est, De locis sive argumemtis logicis : additi sunt duo indices, alter capitum, generalium titulorum, & quæstionum, in initio, alter rerum in fine / 1